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I struggled to get out of bed, my body heavy and the blinding sun burning my eyes. The poor choice of not taking my makeup off last night made everything worse. I looked a mess, the harsh bathroom lighting highlighting the bags under my eyes caked in old mascara. There was not much motivating me at the moment, especially when I had to stare at myself in the mirror.

It was already afternoon and I was sharing the bathroom with Megan as we both attempted to liven up before going back for another show tonight in Denver. Same venue, for two nights. This one will probably be a bigger crowd since it's Friday, our Wednesday show was the middle of the week and not as full as we had hoped. They never are when they're on weekdays. They always fill in by the time our set is done though, of course.

The water of my quick shower felt heavenly, and I rushed to wash my hair and body so Megan could do the same. Although quick, it helped quite a bit. Once out, I quickly get to washing my face and brushing my teeth. I didn't really think about needing to leave the hotel today when I picked out clothes last night, so I'm working with jeans and an oversized tee shirt I wanted to sleep in, but here we are. I'm sure Harry is already gone, but I still don't want to go over there.

With no time to blow dry our hair, Megan and I stumble around the room to gather our things with wet hair. Frank, as usual, sits and waits. All he did was brush his teeth and shower earlier and he was ready. I'll never understand how he does it so quickly.

For the first time this morning, I check my phone as I pull it off of the charger, which I plugged in this morning. It was dead when I woke up which is just my luck. I have multiple texts from Kate telling me she'll be coming to our Portland show in about a week. I smile, texting her back as we walk to the elevator. I'm actually incredibly excited to see her. It's crazy to think of how distant we were before I left, how much we didn't ever want to see each other.

Everything in the last two months has changed our relationship for the better. I may be depressed about multiple different things, but I'm thankful she's become more my sister than ever. I read through my other texts, all from Harry.

I'm sorry and when you're willing, I would love to explain everything.

Just please know it was nothing and I really do like you, and I don't think you're just good for sex.

If you want, I'd love to see you tonight and talk, please just let me know.

At least he had the decency to wait until morning to text me. I rack my brain for a moment, debating on if I do want to talk to him tonight. I've had the time to cool off alone, but I can't tell if I'm ready to not keep yelling at him. All I want is for him to be fucking honest, but how will I know?

I decide against texting back, and if I decide it's a yes, I'll tell him later.


"The boys and the girls are in, I mess around with them, and I'm okay with it." I lazily tap my fingers to the beat on my microphone.

"I'm coming down, I figured out I kinda like it. When I'm all out, I think about the way you"

I knock my head back.

"If you go out tonight, I'm going out 'cause I know you're persuasive. You got that something, I got me an appetite, now I can taste it."


I stop singing, my hand resting on the microphone as everyone does their thing around me. Soundcheck is tedious today, my brain is completely elsewhere. I've spent most of the morning fighting the urge to text Cecily over and over again.

"Give us a minute Styles, things might be good to go just wait up."

With the spare moment I have, I open my phone to our texts. Read twenty minutes ago, great.

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