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My body was immediately cold as Harry slipped away from me, my arm falling to the bed instead of draping over his chest. I let out a soft noise as my body stirred, my senses waking back up. I hear shuffling as he moves around the room and I inhale a breath before rolling onto my back and rubbing my eyes. Harry is quick to place his knee on the bed to lean over me, his smile drowning his face as he looks down at me.

"G'morning," He says, his voice hoarse and laced with sleep. His arms sit by my head, his muscles flexing as he holds himself up and I drop my hands to the pillow beneath me with a smile on my face. "Morning." My tired eyes scan his face, trying to read the situation carefully. He sits for a moment, still smiling at me before bringing one of his hands to cup my face. His thumb runs under my jaw as he speaks. "I need to get to the venue for sound check before you, but I'll see you there?" I nod, biting my lip to stop such a large smile. My skin tingles under his touch and I try to ignore the feeling.

He hesitates for a moment, looking at my lips and then back to me before nodding in response and stepping back to his feet. I sit up a bit, resting my back against the headboard and stretching. He's dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and he rummages through his bag for a moment as I check my phone. A few texts from Kate and Megan as well as some emails that I ignore as Harry says goodbye before slipping out the door. I sit silently for a moment before the overwhelming feeling of sheer surprise courses through my body and I allow last night's events to run through my head. I squeal out loud before bringing the duvet over my head. I cannot believe that last night happened and I don't even know how to move forward.

What do I say to him later when everyone is with us? What do I do when we come back to the same hotel room tonight? Jesus. How do I talk to this man?

Before I drive myself too crazy I decide to call Kate to distract my mind. I hadn't spoken to her for a minute and I had let myself forget about the stressful conversations we should be having regularly. The phone rings a few times before she picks up, her voice groggy as I realize she was probably sleeping. She was an hour behind us and it was a nice Saturday morning.

Hey sorry, did I wake you?

Yeah, it's barely 9:00 and I like to sleep in.

Sorry, I saw you texted last night and wanted to call before my day got too hectic.

I hear her groan as she shuffles her body.

Yeah, mom was apparently lucid for like, an hour, but I was at work and missed it. I'm surprised they didn't call you.

My heart stops as she speaks and my eyes immediately line with tears.

What? Like she knew who she was?

Yeah, except she thought she was 48 and in the hospital. She was going on and on about how she didn't want to press charges, and that they couldn't keep her, but then she calmed down. I'm assuming she thought she was in there because of dad.

Jesus, that's awful.

Yeah, I know, and even if we had gone to see her she would have expected us to still look like we were children.

I guess, yeah. I just wish I could have spoken to her. She's such a shell of herself now.

Kate is quiet on the other line before sighing.

She isn't going to get much better, Cec. These things happen but they're not always sunshine and rainbows. If she is ever lucid again, you would have to play a part. She doesn't know us anymore.

My fingers pull at the hem of my shirt as I sit in silence, registering her words. My heart aches at the truth her words hold, and my mind refuses to let it all hit me at once.

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