Chapter 33- Crowning Glory I

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The four princesses were in the magic library, reorganizing the books. Amaru and Mia were sleeping on top of each other while the princesses did so. Iris was practicing her battling skills when suddenly a ball of blue light hit the center of the library. It caught everyones attention by surprise, but as they walked to it they realized it was a magical telegram from Izira!

"Oh, good. I'm glad I caught you all together." Izira sighed, a soft smile spreading across her face. "Izira!" Talia exclaimed happily. "Good to see you!"

"It's definitely been a while!" Opal chuckled.

"I have some good news, the crown of Ephedia is almost completely restored." An image of Ephedia's crown appeared in the palm of her hand. The three Ephedian princesses were shocked, while Opal sighed with relief and pride. "And..." Izira smirked, and two familiar girls entered the view.

"April? Zoe?!" Opal gasped.

"Thats right!" April laughed. "Nice to see you again, my princess." Zoe smiled. "We have partnered with Zoe and April to help figure out how many Mounu gems are left...and..." The image of Mounu's crown appeared, "Only two!"

The four princesses squealed happily, hugging each other as they jumped up and down. But even in this happy moment, a wave of sadness hit Iris. An image of Nathaniel flashed her mind, she completely forgot about the fact that she would leave him when she returned back to Ephedia...

"But..." She pulled away, "That means our time on Earth is almost over..."

Izira couldn't tell that she was upset and gave her a wink, "Thats right! You'll be home before you know it. Infact, I've already recalled Lyna and Carissa."

"Hi guys!" Carissa exclaimed, "See you when you get here!" Lyna giggled.

"We are wishing you good luck on finding your last gem," Zoe said. "I know you three are helping Opal, and I know she is helping you." Opal smiled warmly, the three nodding in agreement. "We can't wait to see you all again." Izira said, an excited glimmer in her eye. The three waved goodbye while Lyna and Carissa were chasing each other in the background, and the telegram disappeared.

"First thing I want to do when I get home is eat jujuberry ice cream!" She squealed, hugging Amaru close as he tried to claw his way out of her grip. "Its so yummy!"

"Its hard to believe the adventure is almost done," A voice said, the four turned to see Aunt Ellen to their surprise. "Aunt Ellen!" Talia exclaimed with shock. "What are you doing here??"

"Its not what you think!" Auriana said in a panic as Opal hid behind her, "I mean its not like we are from another planet or something." She laughed nervously. "You're pushing it." Opal whispered from behind.

"Its okay! Aunt Ellen knows everything, because...well...she's Ephedian!" Iris exclaimed as Aunt Ellen smiled sweetly. "You are?!" "Really?" "Eh??" Iris, Auriana, and Opal said.

Aunt Ellen nodded, chuckling lightly. "Uh-huh, yes! My real name is Alira, its a long story but I was sent here as Iris's guardian. I was sworn by the king and queen to keep secrecy, but now our time on Earth is almost over, so there is no reason not to tell you."

Auriana shook her head, her eyes still wide with surprise. "That is one giant secret!" Opal's hand fell to her chest as she gleamed, "You're one of us!" Talia sighed out with surprise, "That's amazing."

Being overjoyed from Aunt Ellen's confession, Talia and Auriana bolted to her and embraced her tightly. They were overfilled with joy, even having a fee tears strike their eyes.

Opal stood next to Iris, feeling her heart flutter at the sight. They both looked at each other and smiled. "There's a mystery behind every corner, I guess." Opal chuckled.

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