Chapter 13- I Can't Feel This Way

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8:00 A.M

Opal woke up with a smile on her face as she threw the covers off of her.

"Morning, Mia!" Opal said with a sing-song tone, opening Mia's cage as she flew out, following her.

Opal put on a black sweater dress, a white belt, as well as white boots.

She was about to head out before Mia stopped her, "What?", Mia fluttered her wings against her palm at a quick pace, "Where am I going?...OH! I forgot to mention I'm going on a smoothie date with the girls! I was just about to invite them, you can stay and hang out with Amaru." Opal said, carrying Mia in her hands.


*Ding Dong*

Auriana opened the door. "Who is it?- Oh! Opal!"
"Hi Auriana, I was wondering if you, Talia, and Iris would want to come with me and Mark to the smoothie bar?" Opal asked.

Auriana squealed, "Yes! I'll invite Matt and Kyle, so it'll be a quadruple date!" She was so excited, she dragged Opal inside, running upstairs to get Iris and Talia.

Mia on the other hand felt left out, she was very overprotective of Opal and always wanted to be by her side. "Aw, don't be sad! I won't be gone for long. You and Amaru can become friends!" Opal said, placing Mia next to Amaru.

Amaru yelped in surprise, wagging his tail as he chased Mia.

"We're ready!" Auriana said, coming downstairs with Iris and Talia. "Thanks for joining me, guys." Opal smiled. Iris nodded, "Of course!"
"It's no biggie, we need some fresh air anyways!" Talia added.

Opal checked the time, it was 9:27. "You guys head to the smoothie bar, I have to meet up with Mark quick."


Standing near a tree, Opal penitently waited for Mephisto. "Guess who?~" She felt a pair of hands cover her eyes. "...Mephisto?"

"Bingo!" Mephisto chuckled. " look...really good..." He mumbled. "You do too." Opal smiled.
" can't even see-" "Shhh, let's get going?" She said, taking his hand and walking to the smoothie bar.


"There they are! Opal! Over here!" Auriana called over for them. Mephisto still was holding onto her hand, which made Opal blush.

"You must be Mark! I'm sure you've met the rest of the girls, I'm Nathaniel." Nathaniel introduced himself. "And this is Matt and Kyle"

"Hi." Matt wove, smiling slightly. "Nice to meet you." Kyle grinned, waving.

Mephisto was super happy to be interacting with more people, "Such an honor to meet you two earthlings!"

Everyone looked at Mephisto like he was crazy, which he was probably was.

Opal forced a laugh, "He's joking! It's an inside joke, not so inside anymore." She elbowed him, muttering the last part.

"Haha, that's okay, Auriana makes jokes like that all the time." Nathaniel said, "What type of smoothie do you guys want?"




"Blueberry, please."

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