Chapter 1- Return of Princess Opal

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Ever since that day, Opal was raised on her own, well, not completely. She was raised by the crystal butterfly her father gave her.

Life was the same throughout the years, she was an average girl, except...

She was blind.

Now there's nothing wrong with that, but being blind impacted her life, it was hard for her to make friends because people thought she was 'odd', but why? She was like everyone else, her disability doesn't define her.

At least her only friend, Mia, her pet butterfly, didn't judge her.


It was a Saturday morning, and Opal was fast asleep, snoring loudly. Mia fluttered on her nose, flapping her wings on her nostrils. "Stooooop..." She groaned.
She did it again, flapping her wings on her nostrils. "Okay, I'm awake." Opal sat up, stretching and yawning. "Why are you making me wake up so early?"

Mia fluttered into her palm, fluttering her wings in a certain pattern, because she couldn't speak, this was her way of communicating with her.

"Making friends?" Opal rose a brow, "you know it's gonna be hard, and I'm far too...*yawn* tired."

Mia obviously ignored this, flapping on her palm telling her to get dressed.

Opal grumbled, "Fine."

She went through her closet, due to the texture of her clothing she had an easier way of figuring out what to wear. She picked out a black and white lolita dress, white gloves, and black boots.

Mia usually did Opal's hair, as she waited on her bed for her to do it, she realized she wasn't in her room.
"Mia? Mia!" She yelled out.

"Mia!" She ran downstairs, almost tripping from her pace. Mia landed in her hand, but she felt something.

"What's in my hand?"

She started to unwrap the paper-like texture that was in her palm, it was some sort of letter. "Well...what is it?"

Mia landed back into her palm, explaining to her that it was an invitation to a singing audition!
"Okay?" Opal rose a brow. Mia flapped again, saying that she should join.

"But I've never auditioned for anything before, I doubt my singing is even that good..."

Opal imagined it for a moment, surely there should be lots of people there because of how many talented singers live in her area, maybe she could make some friends.

"Hmm...fine, I'll give it a shot."


It was 6:30 P.M and Opal was getting ready for her audition. Was this really a good decision? I mean, what if she was bad at singing.

"Come on Mia, let's get going."

Mia held onto Opals' hair, helping guide her to where the building was located.
When they arrived, there was a long line...Opal was starting to feel regretful.

"M-Maybe we should head home—"
Mia flapped on her nose, letting her know she shouldn't give up now. "Okay..." Opal sighed out.



It was Opal's turn, she lightly dusted herself off, and took Mia off of her head. "Stay here, I'll be back, okay?" Mia's wings went droopy and she sat on a nearby flower.

As Opal entered the building, she kept bumping and tripping over things. "Sorry—" she held onto the mic, adjusting herself.

"It's fine, are you Ophelia?" A voice said.

"Opal. I go by Opal...and yes."

Very nice!" Another voice said, "You know the lyrics, right?"

Opal blushed, "Um." She didn't realize she had to memorize a song. Music started playing and she didn't know what to do. The only thing that came to mind was to sing a song that she knew.

And for some reason, a tune sprouted in her head.

"Moon, moon, moon, Mother Moon.
She carries the stars on the tip of her fingertips,
beware, beware, of the awful grey-man..."

"So she will...carry you softly to sleep,
she will miss her dearest daugh-"

"AH!" Opal shrieked, suddenly feeling the ground shake beneath her. She didn't know what was happening, but she ran out of the building as fast as she could. It felt as if an earthquake had suddenly happened.

"Mia?! MIA!" She yelled out, but Mia wasn't there.
She heard many people yell in a distance, she didn't know what to do

She ran as fast as she possibly could, without having any idea where she was going. Eventually, her legs grew weak, causing her to collapse on her knees roughly. The ground still felt as if it was shaking, she had no clue what to do.

"Opal! OPAL!" A familiar voice yelled. She couldn't detect who it was, but tried her best to navigate where the sound was coming from.

"Grab my hands!"

"What?!" Opal yelled out, whipping her head confused. "Please! Just trust me!" The voice begged.

Opal took a leap of faith and extended her arm out, gripping onto a hand and being thrown onto something soft.

"Who are you? What's going on?" Opal asked frantically.

"We will explain later, but right now we have to hide!" Another familiar voice said.


Soon the ride that carried her and the anonymous strangers landed. Opal was still wrapping her head about all that happened.


"How do you know my name?" Opal hopped off.

"We just do." One of the voices answered more sternly.

"Talia, please..." Another voice said. One of the voices, assuming which was 'Talia' sighed.

A hand landed on her shoulder, causing Opal to jump. "My name is Iris. My friends here are Talia and Auriana. We've been looking for you for a long time. I know this might seem are a princess."

A princess?

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