Chapter 26- Love is Like Fireworks

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The spell Eva and Evan casted was a very powerful conversion spell. It sent Mephisto and Praxina back to their cave, and healed any damage caused.

Except, the spell couldn't heal Iris's broken leg.

Sadly, she was sent to the hospital, which caused Opal, Talia, and Auriana to be worried sick. Soon, the news started to spread when Auriana decided to send a text to Nathaniel and Douge.

Douge couldn't come and visit Iris because he was recording a new video for a very important project, but Nathaniel came as fast as he could even when it was during rush hour at the smoothie bar.


It was still awkward between the girls. Talia was mad at Opal, and Opal didn't know why.

"I don't want you saying anything." Auriana started. "I won't." Talia sighed out. "But I'm going to tell her later. She has to stop getting herself in trouble!"

Auriana frowned. "...Don't you realize that she's working as hard as she can to get her kingdom back?"


"So, she's going to fall into traps on the way, but we will be here to help her! So, maybe you should let it go."

Talia rolled her eyes. Auriana had a point, but she still was irritated.

Iris entered the waiting room, wearing crutches and a thick cast, and having a frown on her face. "She'll need thirty days of minimum activity." The doctor said.

"Thirty days?!" Auriana exclaimed. "B-But we are in a band! a famous one! We perform every week!"

"I understand that, but in order for her to heal properly she has to rest." He explained. Iris looked down and sighed.

"That's okay, we'll take good care of her."


Eva and Evan were back in Flora. The kingdom was obviously in horrible condition, but the two couldn't stay on earth. Eva was pacing around her room, which was cracked and parts of the walls and ceilings had broken.

"He's a lot more powerful then he was when he took over Mounu. I wonder how he got so...powerful. I mean— he doesn't even do anything!"

"It's because they have those rats, Mepesto and Raxina." He rolled his eyes.

Eva casted a spell to see how many Mounu gems were left, she gasped. "Evan! Look at this."

He walked over to the mirror of magic that showed them the information. "Wow, almost all are collected!"

"There is still some way to go, but we can't always help them. We need to stay here and help the people of Fengari. The kingdoms need our help." Eva looked out of the broken wall, seeing the destroyed area. It saddened her.

"Mom is so proud of you, Eva." Evan assured her. "So proud."


With all the Gramorr attacks that the princesses were able to defeat, it left him angered and frustrated. "HOW ARE THEY SO POWERFUL! THEY HAVEN'T EVEN REACHED ADULTHOOD YET!" He growled. "Not even the Queen of King of Ephedia were as powerful as them at their age..."

Gramorr turned to Mephistio and Praxina, who were looking down nervously. "Want to know why I don't just fire you? Because I need all the help I can get."

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