Chapter 3- A New Member of LoliRock!

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"You did really good during that attack, Opal. I didn't expect you to fight back so proficiently." Talia complimented.

"Thank you. I definitely don't know how I did it..." Opal shrugged.

The four girls were gathered at Iris's house to discuss what happened at the battle. Opal was still a bit sheepish about these girls, especially since she hardly knew anything about them, but they unlocked something in her that she never knew about before. So in a way, she had to trust them.

"I can assume you have some unconscious memories linked to your magic, which is why you were able to summon that shield without any prior knowledge about it." Talia explained. "And that's probably why you sang that song!" Auriana added.

Opal nodded, "You're right. I never knew that song I sang before that day."

Iris entered the room they were in with a tray of tea and cookies. "We know you're still very new to this, so we wanted to formally introduce ourselves. I'll go first," She gleamed. "I'm Iris, Princess of Ephedia. I was just like you, unaware that I was a princess too. But Talia and Auriana found me at the exact same audition you did, only a year ago.

Opal's eyes shimmered in awe. She was surprised that another girl could live a similar life to hers. "I'm Auriana of Volta! I love Jujuberry ice-cream and all the cool things on Earth! Me and Talia have only been here for a year, but we love it so much!"

Talia giggled to herself, "And I'm Talia, of Xeris. Some things I like are...playing instruments, practicing spells, and hanging out with these two." She squeezed Auriana and Iris, the two girls laughing.

Opal squeaked as she felt something fuzzy leap into her lap. "Oh! And that's Amaru. He's our magical companion." Auriana said, the small furry creature snuggling in her lap. Opal gently pet it, "Nice to meet you, Amary. I'm sure you'll get along with my pet Mia, too."

"You three seem so wonderful...I'm honestly grateful that you guys found me." She blushed, lowering her face shyly.

"So are we, Opal." Iris grinned joyfully. "We never got the chance to tell you why we needed to find you. Well...the planet Ephedia, where all our kingdoms reside, was taken over by Gramorr years ago. It changed the lives of all our people. Your kingdom, Mounu, is on Ephedia, and just like I was, you're one of the lost princesses too."

"Gramorr and his minions, Mephisto and Praxina are trying to collect all the Ephedian and Mounu stones to gain control of the Crown of Ephedia, which holds immense power. If he claims that, well...our planet would be doomed." Talia added.

"And we need your help to stop them!" Auriana emphasizes, grabbing her hands and squeezing them. "If he gains control of that crown, not only will our kingdoms be under his evil control, but his too."

Opal couldn't imagine that happening. If this was all true, all the things left behind of her past life, and potentially family, could be doomed. "I...understand. And I'm happy to help."

"...All of this isn't the only reason why we brought you here." Iris said, "We wanted to ask you...about something else."

"Are you familiar with Lolirock at all?" Auriana questioned excitedly.

"Yeah, I've heard of them." Opal answered, giving a shrug.

"Well, what if I told you that WE are the members?!"
"Auriana, I already told her—" Talia muttered to her, and Opal gave her a nod of confirmation, chuckling to herself.

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