Chapter 27- She Knows

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After that night, Opal could not get over it. Mephisto had kissed her, just like that? It was a move she was never expecting. But, she wasn't complaining, she enjoyed it.

Her feelings for this villain was confusing. She felt like she loved him, but her gut was telling her that something was wrong. Of course she knew how dangerous it would be to be in a relationship with a villain-- or be in any sort of relationship AT ALL...but her heart wanted more.

Since she was little, she longed for connection. She never had any friends, she never dated or fell in love, so she formed some sort of connection with Mephisto, and she could not let it go...


As Opal laid in her bed, replaying the scenario over and over in her head, she sighed as she turned to her side, staring at the floor.

She got that gut wrenching feeling, that feeling of regret. "Ugh!" She covered her face with her hands, "Why did that happen?!"

"It was wrong, so wrong, but I liked it so much...ugh!" She threw her pillow, "I'm a horrible princess!" She sobbed out.

Mia fluttered onto her shoulder, comforting her as much as she can. "This is the first time i've love. I wish I wasn't in love with a villain, why can't I be in love with a normal, non-magical, non-arch nemesis boy?!"

Mia flapped her wings a few times against Opal's cheek, she sighed. "I'll figure it out later..." She laid back down in her bed and closed her eyes, hoping that sleep would take away the stress she was feeling...

The next day: Iris's house

The atmosphere wasn't too different from what it usually was when Opal was hanging around the girls. Iris and Talia were practicing with some new instruments their team had given them for free, and Opal was trying out the new lyrics which she could read in brail.

Although she thought something seemed too out of the ordinary, she noticed that Auriana wasn't too spontaneous like she usually was...

The cheerful girl seemed rather self put. She wasn't talking a lot, keeping distance from the other girls as she just stared at the ground while petting Amaru and laying down on the couch. Opal couldn't see her worried expression on her face, but the lack of energy she was proposing was concerning.


The redheaded girl quickly looked up at Opal, who was slightly towering her. "Are you okay? You haven't been too energetic today." Auriana quickly blushed from fear, her heart began to beat quickly. She gave a light glare before glancing away, looking annoyed "What? Oh, I just didn't sleep well last night."

Opal scrunched her brows as she continued to look at her worriedly, "You didn't?"

Auriana then looked at Iris and Talia, who stopped what they were doing once they heard Aurianas response. "I swear, you slept like a baby...nothing could've woken you up." Iris jokingly said. Auriana snaped, "Well I didn't sleep well, in fact!"

Amaru jumped from Auriana's unexpected reaction as he hopped off of Aurianas lap and sat next to Iris's leg, whining a bit. Iris and Talia furrowed their brows. "I'm...sorry? Maybe I could give you some new pillows, or let you sleep in the other guest room." Iris offered. Auriana scoffed as she crossed her arms, changing the position she sat in while on the couch. "I'm fine." She muttered, facing away from them.

Opal knew something was wrong. Auriana never snapped like this unless she was dealing with the twins or something. Maybe she wasn't feeling too well? Obviously knowing that Auriana could snap again if she tried to talk to her, she decided to leave her alone. Still, she had that gut feeling that something bigger was going on...

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