Chapter 32

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"Tell me I can't call you angel again."


Harley Finley

Two fucking weeks.

Fourteen days of sharing my small one bedroom apartment with three other people.

And now, about to be five.

"I swear to fuck if Elijah doesn't hurry up, I'm going to suck these kids back into my vagina then spit them at him." Chloe screamed through another contraction.

They were only getting closer and at this point, I only had one more hand to spare since she practically broke my right one.

"Go get the nurse." She demanded, fear penetrating me with her glare.

"Chloe, you can't have more pain meds for another hour." I regretted it as soon as it left my lips.

Tears bubbled and exploded, leaving her mouth of a sobbing mess.

"Okay, okay. I'll beat it out of the doctor if I have to." I smiled, hoping to earn something other than absolute terror from her.

Little did I know, wandering the labor and delivery ward, there was not a doctor in sight. Screams or cries were heard from random rooms with a calming voice to follow.

I took a deep breath and sighed for Chloe, knowing she deserved that right now too. She didn't know how much I was fighting with Elijah recently. Telling him to get his shit together so they could properly raise their twins. Last night when I was helping him put two bassinets together was the worst of it. There was no space to fit everything and when he joked about getting a smaller couch - my temporary bed - I lost it. Since then he had been too busy to answer his phone to know his fiance was going into labor.

Fuck men. I'll kick them out and marry Chloe if it meant my soon to be niece and nephew were happy.

Colten and Elijah could run off like the butt buddies that they were.

"No, you don't understand. I'm going to miss it then not only will my sister fucking kill me, so will my fiance." Elijah's voice could be heard from down the hall. Frantic in every word.

I couldn't stop the roll of my eyes as I approached with a heated glare.

"Sir, I'm under strict orders not to give the whereabouts of our soon to be mothers. So, you need to go down to security that you surpassed and get a visitors sticker." Lexi, Chloe's nurse, snapped.

She was amazing and it took all of me not to let her keep giving Elijah shit for being so late.

Three hours and five minutes late to be exact.

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