Chapter 22

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"Wanna stand up and try this conversation again?"


Harley Finley

My gut twisted with sudden anxiousness. My instincts were screaming something my mind couldn't understand quite yet. The hairs on my arms stood at attention with the goosebumps that raised them.

"Colt," I sighed while lazily looking at his growing mischievous smirk, "Please, don't bring up my pussy."

"What? Never." He laughed, rolling down my window when Drew approached, "Sorry, just airing out the smell of female orgasm. Oh, Hey Drew."

My eyes shut closed as tight as they could go. I could feel myself being sandwiched between the two guys. Their poor attempts to show off who had more masculinity was suffocating, to say the least.

"Lee, why did you run off?" Drew popped his head into the car door and took a deep inhale. Surely the smell that Colten was talking about had to have been the joint that burned off in the cup holder.

"The fact that you need to ask is one of the many reasons I left this fucking town." I snapped. A switch had been flicked on that turned my vision red.

Old Harley was back and I didn't care.

The car door swung open, pushing Drew back to a stumble. I followed, clicking my heels on the sidewalk until I was pointing a finger directly in his face.

"You are the same as you've always been. You put me in the middle of your shit so I could take the fall then when Daddy comes around, you don't stand up for me. I wasn't the fucked up kid, you were but hey, if you want to keep playing this game then fine. You got it." I yelled, probably loud enough for the dwindling party to hear. My face burned, heating my ears red while party goers started to head for their cars. Some stopped to hear the outburst the crazed ex was having.

"Harley, this isn't the time." Drew gritted his teeth with an adjustment to his pristine, expensive suit that I wrinkled with a jab of my hand.

At that moment, I could feel Colten's presence behind me. It was an overpowering aura of safety that reminded me that he was there if something bad were about to happen. Shamelessly, I soaked in it and released a dam of emotion I didn't think possible in hopes he would stop me if I went too far.

Maybe it was the post orgasm that gave me the courage to stand up to Drew. No matter, it felt good.

"Why was your father with Jim when he died?" I demanded. The static between the three of us grew.

"Harley, not the time."

"Why did you tell me in the bar about Yaz?"


"Why did you lie about Ian being a murderer?"

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