Chapter 11.

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"Got it."
Harley Finley

"Come on, Lee." Colten antagonized me once again. Wagging two more shot glasses in front of my face.

"Elijah is going to kill us already." Hudson chuckled nervously before raising his own glass in the air.

"Fuck it." I laughed, clinking our glasses together before letting the harsh tequila burn my throat.

What's one more on top of the last six we've had already?


I've lost count already.

Colten was feeding me liquor. Anytime I went back to the bar with an empty cup he was asking for a refill on his tab.

And who was I, a currently unemployed and heart broken girl, to say no?

"Dance with me." I tugged at his black tee shirt. Shaking my hips while I held my drink in the air, he looked down on me with an eye roll.

"I could ask someone else but I want you to dance with me." I admitted, letting my heart twist at its broken seams.

He shook his head with a smiling creeping up before guiding me closer to his chest.

His hips rolled into mine at the beat of the drums. Sneaking his knee between my legs, I grinded on him. Only trying to get closer and closer with each break in the song. My head eased to his chest, allowing myself a moment to hear his faint heartbeat. It was accelerated, thumping in his chest as fast as his motorcycle had taken us yesterday. My hand took my heads place, feeling it beat in sync with my own.

Colten watched intently at every move I made. Making sure to match my rhythm and pace to each song he gave me.

"You can dance well." I admitted into his ear over the loudening speakers.

He smiled, gulping the last of his drink and leading me closer to the stage where the live funk band had taken over the bar.

There was no shame when he danced in front of everyone watching and when I joined in, he just got more into it. Spinning in circles and holding each other close, I never wanted this night to end.

"Your ex is still here." He mumbled into my ear, making me turn to see Drew at the counter talking it up with Lucy.

"That's nice." I tried to back away from Colten but he only held me closer.

"Tell me what you guys talked about." His soft persona was replaced by a hardened demand.

"I'm sorry, I thought we were enjoying ourselves."

"Just curious."

"You must have been a cat in your past life." I huffed, "You know what happens to the curious cat?"

His eyes widened as if astonished I had called him out while the dimples in his cheeks deepened at his breathtaking smile that showed all his teeth.

"I'd have to disagree with you, angel. There's a difference between knowing information and acting upon. I like to be educated while you, from what I've seen, you like to use it to your advantage."

Our dancing had seized. We stared each other down in the middle of the crowd.

"I just want to go home."

"Do you?"

My protests were short lived as he stared me down.

"If you really wanted to leave you wouldn't be rekindling your old romances or standing up to Ian which who, I'm guessing, Drew told you all about." Colten swayed our hips to the music again, ignoring my dumbfounded expression.

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