Chapter 18

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"Ride me like a good little angel."


Harley Finley

"So.. where are we going?" The words only came out with a small clear of my swelling throat.

Colten had been driving silently for ten minutes. He was so focused on diminishing the city behind us, he didn't even give me a moment of his time when the streetlights vanished and in their place stood trees of the forest. The brights on the truck were the only thing illuminating our way up the twisted road.

I clutched the bags of take out on my lap. The smell of greasy chinese food already burned an ulcer in my stomach. Colten hadn't even asked what I wanted or even if I wanted this abomination of a meal.

Control was not in my hands. It was in Colten's and that made the anxiety in my chest tighten. He seemed calm and collected, driving down this road the slowest I've ever seen him go.

"Hudson told me about this place. I haven't been yet. Figured we could hide out here until everyone is asleep at the house." Colten gave me a quick glance before giving his full attention to what turned into a rocky trail. I couldn't help the gulp when I leaned forward at the bump of rocks and logs beneath us. We had definitely turned off of the main road. Beginning to slowly climb what felt like a mountain.

After another five minutes of holding back yelling 'Watch out for that tree,' we made it to flat ground. Entering a clearing eased my twisted nerves, even when Colten backed into the edge of a cliff.

Just the fact that the truck was out of gear made me relax.

The view in front of us was nothing spectacular. Some lights in the distance were shadowed by dense woodlands. The stars were outshined by the streetlights below. All that could really be seen by the naked eye was darkness and the bright moon. It became our light when Colten guided me into the bed of the pickup he fucked me against the night we first met.

He threw his unworn coat down onto the cold metal before hoisting me up by my hips. His warm hands left prematurely so he could climb in next to me. Once my eyes adjusted to the limited lighting, I could see a small smirk stuck to his lips. His brown eyes were glued to the paper bag as he uncrinkled it open. Box after box of take out laid in front of us.

"What is it?" I held back the scrunch of my nose at the awful smell just so I didn't upset him.

I didn't want to be the reason that little smile dissolved.

"Chinese." Colten didn't even hesitate to open the god awful plastic utensils from their world crumbling wrapping to dig in.

"I haven't had fast food in almost ten years, Colt." I laughed, picking up a container by its metal handle and examining its unseen contents. "You'll have to be more in depth before I eat it."

His smile grew with a small hop when repositioning himself to face me.

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