Chapter 14

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"What do you really want?"


Colten Gunn

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Chloe snapped. Her hormone filled tone was just the beginning of the ass kicking she was about to give me.

"Besides still not having a cup of coffee?" I rolled my eyes and poured yet another mug, holding it close to my chest before another emotional woman decided to steal it from me.

"No. The way you're treating Harley. Yesterday you were all 'oh, I'll fuck you with everyone watching in your dead fathers house.' Today you're acting like a child who lost their play toy and is lashing out at the one girl that has given you the time of day."

"Chloe, if I wanted, every day would be filled with a new girl giving me their attention. Harley isn't any different."

"Don't be a fucking dick and spit it out before I make you."

"Oh, I'm big scared of the pregnant lady. What are you going to do? Smother me to death? Please, you could barely-" The words seized in my throat where a butter knife sat on my carotid artery. "Nice."

"You forget who I was eight months ago." She humorously tisked. "I think you're falling for her and either too scared or too stupid to acknowledge it. Which shall it be?"

"Well, I ain't stupid. That's for sure." I rolled my eyes and smirked up to her. "Is the cutlery really necessary?"

"I didn't peg you as the type to sabotage something good because you were cowardly." Chloe laughed like an evil witch before throwing the knife to the table top and attending the hot stove.

With a groan and sigh, I knew she was right. Though, I'd never admit if my feelings for a one night fling had turned to more. Normally I'd be able to push it aside and put some space between myself and the purring cat on my lap.

But not with Harley.

"Don't you find it weird that Harley came here?" I asked reluctantly. The mug in front of me steamed with a mock as I fiddled the handle. "She hated Jim. I could see it in her eyes when she was reading the letter. There was no love there. Just pure hatred. Why come to mourn a man she despised?"

Chloe's eyebrows scrunched with a purse of her lips as she looked over her shoulder to me. "Elijah and her were close in their younger years. Maybe she came for him."

I couldn't help but shake my head. None of it made sense. "Please. This is the first time they've spent time together alone. Harley seems interested in two things. Going home and herself."

"Don't forget about you." She mumbled with a small airless chuckle. "You're overthinking it all."

My fingers ran through my dirty, mangled hair that longed for a shower after last night. The dried mud fell into my coffee cup at the shake of my hand only fueling the hate for this morning.

"I guess you have to ask yourself if really knowing is worth it. Which I'm guessing is what's having your panties in a bunch today." Chloe gave me a small pat to my back. "I'm sure you'll figure that out really quick."

We both left it at that. Chloe went back to cooking breakfast by the time Hudson had rolled out of bed. His hangover evident in his half lidded eyes. They hung halfway closed while he used his hands like a cane to find the seat next to me.

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