Chapter 28

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"Shut up, Colten."


Harley Finley

"You have no idea what I've been through in the last twenty four hours so you better choose your words wisely, angel." Colten's disciplining finger in the air made me want to bite it off.

I tried to. With my teeth bared and him just inches away, I just didn't expect him to put it to my throat. His swift movement was made in less than a second with a perfect squeeze in just the right spot.

"Oh, fuck you-"

The words couldn't even finish leaving my brain before he was pinching his fingers harder until my brain fogged. My bottom lip hung just slightly, enough for Colten to watch with darkening eyes. He fought his own instinct - I could see it swirling in his mind when he searched my face for something, I wasn't sure exactly what.

Until that fucker decided to play with my heart strings.

"The last forty eight hours, I have been through fucking hell. Don't fight me on this." That husky voice that always sent me into overdrive was back. This time, though, it was sinister in each and every enunciation, ensuring I heard every single word that left his lips as if they were the Bible themselves.

"You don't get to tell me what to do when you left me after I told you I wanted to be yours. All yours." I held back the tears and replaced them with a reddened anger. All I could feel was the urge to grab him and throw him onto the bed.

"I made you fucking black out." He hushed with a quick look down to his hand with a small sigh and released just enough pressure to make sure I'd be fine while still contained in his hold. In its place, he pressed his chest further into mine.

There was no way I'd be able to get out. He had me trapped with his body.

His lips pressed firmly shut with those dumb eyes looking away at some crack of paint in the wall. The pressure on my throat was gone but he didn't release me. His hands lingered on my hips instead, making swirls that reached to the front of my stomach.

"Don't walk in here with big balls and act like you're still the boss of me. No. No. I'm in fucking charge now and you are in so much fucking trouble." I grabbed his shirt, twirling the fabric into my hands until he was unsteady on his feet.

"Angel, I-"

"Shut up, Colten." My voice came out sexy, sultry and ready for the kill. I placed a gentle finger to his lips and reached up on my tipsy toes to kiss whatever part of his mouth was uncovered. "You've lost the right to call me that."

With a shove to his chest and him not expecting it, he landed on the bed. With a bounce and small grunt, he regained his posture and rested on his elbows. His mouth ajar with not a word coming out.. Just how I wanted him.

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