Chapter 31

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"I need to fuck this attitude out of you."


Harley Finley

There was a moment that I was angry at them. Chloe, Elijah and Colten. No one had even asked me if I was okay with this plan. It was going to be brutal sharing a one bedroom with three other people, not including the unborn twins. I couldn't even think about them living with us too because who knew how long this was going to go on for.

It could be months before the guys deemed it safe.

But who were they? Why did they get to make these choices and not me?

"Harley." Colten waved a drink in my face when I didn't answer, "You good?"

"Very far from it." I grimaced when the shot ran down my throat but the burn didn't last long. Or maybe it did and I just wanted to feel something other than anger.

He huffed before gulping his beer and slamming it to the counter. "I'm going to get another one."

And on top of it all, my Colten is MIA. The man I fell in love with disappeared when his body did but never returned. All I wanted was for him to be pushy and act like he was hot because let's be real, he was. Whatever my dead or alive father said to him put him on the edge and I hated it.

I hated it more than sharing my one bedroom apartment.

"Wow, you are absolutely breathtaking." A guy that had been sitting next to me finally spoke up. Once upon a day he would have been attractive with his tight jeans and shirt. His hair had flopped over, probably from the few glasses of beer that now sat empty in front of him.

"Hmm, is that so?" I asked as I turned to him, slow and seductive.

"Listen. I'm not even breathing looking at you. It's impossible." He smiled with a lean in on his elbow.

"That's a horrible pick up line. You're obviously breathing." I shook my head and forced a laugh when I saw Colten headed our way. "Let's hear another one."

Just as he was about to open his mouth, Colten dove in. He cut our bodies off and placed his directly in the middle. He was fuming with rage. I watched as it bubbled up to the tips of his fingers as he curled them into his palm.

It took only ten seconds of his tongue playing with his lips before he shook his head and started laughing. He relaxed into the bar and gave me his best dazzling Colten smile.

"You are absolutely breathtaking." Colten bit his lip while playfully watching my next move.

"Hmm, is that so?" I batted my eyelashes up to him, praying he would do something, anything to make me crave him again.

He nodded before slowly dipping his lips to my ear. He lingered with a breath while his hand caught up, capturing my back in his strong hand. "Now, let me take your breath away."

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