Chapter 10.

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"Follow me."
Harley Finley

Being alone in a bar soothes me. It's a strange concept to wrap my own mind around.

Maybe it was admiring each individual with their own backstory that somehow landed them in the same slummy place.

A group of women hung on each other's arms, laughing drunk at the bar after beating a few bikers at their own game of darts. I stuck on them when the feeling of eyes burned into me.

It took my all not to look to see where it may be coming from.

My suspicions were loud as I walked to the counter and greeted Lucy. Her normal bar attire sweating from the still young night. Once I got a drink from her I searched for them again.

They still seemed safest at the time. Non threatening even. I could shimmy and fake laugh my way in there with only me to know who's the fraud.

It seemed tempting.

But Colten had dug his way into my mind.

Flashes of the irritated squint in his eyes made me want to see it again. And again.

I sauntered towards their pool table with my head high and my breasts out. Passing by the tattooed biker who thought he could tell me what to do.

Within seconds, someone had grabbed my arm, pulling my attention to a tall, dark and handsome man. His almost blackened eyes sparkling in the dim lights with amusement.

"This can't be who I think it is." Ian smiled down on me, exposing his chipped canine.

"Ian?" I gasped with a smile of my own, wrapping my hands around his bicep on the arm that still held me still.

"Harley?" He echoed me like two high schoolers gossiping in the hall.

He spun me around with a flick of his wrist so his pool buddies could see us talking but my attention stayed on him.

"It's been years."

"You twenty one yet?" He laughed until it sounded like a parade behind him.

"Depends on who wants to know."

His laugh faltered with my few steps back.

"Are you still with what's his face?" His eyes scrunched in deep thought. "The one that would always drag you out of this place at closing. Fuck, it was such an insignificant name. I can't seem to remember it. It was that dude from that time where you smashed my driver side window. Yeah, Drew, Drew paid me off not to say anything to your father, Jim, right? How's he doing?"

"Pretty sure Jim's dead but I didn't see the body, so." My shoulders shrugged as I sipped my tequila mixed drink. "I'm only here for his funeral. Which was yesterday. Way more people showed than I expected, quite honestly."

"Wow. Just yesterday, huh? Seems like maybe you should be with family now."

"I thought I would be here." I placed a hand to his chest and batted my eyes. "Remember all those times Ian? Me dancing half naked on the bar. You grabbing my waist and throwing me outside in the cold to sober me up. I had a blast out here. We would smoke and talk about how shitty our lives were. We both got out. The difference? I didn't come back to stay."

The words bit harder when his face slightly tightened.

"No one in this fucked town should think they can tell me what to do."

The seriousness faded when a laugh cut the tension like a knife.

I turned to find Colten with a smile plastered on his face. His left tatted hand shoved into his black jeans while his right held the pool cue.

"That's ballsy, angel." He aimed the stick towards me before sauntering to my face.

"What's ballsy, Colten?"

"I bring you home. I make sure you're safe and you jump out of a window to meet your high school ex?" He snickered before taking my drink from my hands. He halfway sat on the pool table, sipping my margarita.


"Curious. I wake up in your bed and you're already on the town border. Did I not finger you good enough last night?"

I snatched my drink from his hands and took a gulp, salt lacing my tongue and all.

"It's so funny you need to question that." My hand rubbed up his front hip to the V I stole a touch to. "Next time, kiss a girl more."

His hands wrapped around my body, slowly taking in the thin sheer top I had on. Twirling his fingers in my hair he nudged me over with his lips to my cheek.

He kissed softly, lingering until it burned.

"Follow me." He whispered, tapping my ass before walking away.

"It was nice seeing you again, Ian." I blew him a small kiss before following Colten's path through people. He dodged Hudson for me, grabbing a free beer off of the counter with a gulp.

He looked as if he had done this so many times before. Effortlessly he swung in and out of the crowd until we got to the booths where he grabbed me by the hand. I was lurched forward into the dark corner of the sitting area. Unable to get back up before Colten sat beside me. His arms wrapped around my back and holding my thigh.

"I love the dress." He leaned into the table in front of me, admiring the low lit snippet of my short, skin tight black dress.

"Cute, isn't? I love how it shimmers in the dark."

"It's beautiful on you." He placed another gentle kiss to my cheek, pressing hard enough to leave a swell. He kissed me lower, slowly and carefully picking where the next one would lay. His hand eased up my thigh, adjusting my dress to his liking.

"Are you going to give me your cock this time?" I whispered to him. My body slowly caving every kiss that Colten left, stinging with harsh sucks.

He smiled and shook his lips against my swollen neck.

"Don't think I won't fuck you in front of this entire bar, angel." His low voice vibrated to his fingers. They felt the silk panties, rubbing the slickness against my clit in soft, slow strokes.

My hips lifted towards him. My hand grabbing his wrist to try and keep him from moving.

"I rubbed you like this last night. I know you love it." He smiled, keeping his lips attached to the reddened skin on my neck.

"I'm not going back home." I released his hand, negotiating our terms.

Colt chuckled, twirling his finger into the silk.

"How about a drink?" His eyes sparkled watching my lips amuse him at a game I'd likely fail.

"Fine but you're buying."

"Deal." He placed his lips on mine, smothering the moans. His fingers pressed my panties into me. Over and over until they slid out of the way naturally. His lips never left me. Only opening enough for his tongue to join mine, wrapping them in knots.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair, keeping him as my silencer when his thumb rubbed my clit. The friction of it all too much. It deafened my surroundings, making Colten take over my senses. The leather from his riding jacket was the only thing I could smell even if he had taken it off hours ago.

So much numbness had overtaken. The liquor no longer soothing me. Now, it was him. He coaxed me up, letting my pussy tighten around his fingers as I came so hard, I squirt into his palm. He refused to stop until I was a shaking mess on his lips with mumbling moans of his name.

"You drive me crazy, Colt." I hushed with half lidded eyes.

"Looks like you should go home and change, angel." He tapped my swollen clit as a salute off. Not even helping me fix my still hiked up dress.

"I'm going to the bathroom and then you owe me a drink." I shoed him away, adjusting my soaked thong that would end up in the garbage in just a few moments.

A/N: posting this the day I leave Colorado. I just wanna thank this beautiful state for fueling my creativity to make this happen.
Til next chapter. Much love,
Lishy xx

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