CHAPTER 14 (level 21)

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Tw: Panic attacks,  violence.  (THIS IS GONNA BE AN INTENSE CHAPTER.)  Also sorry this chapter short grrr

hours it seemed like I had waited, the lights had even shut off. Only an empty hum in the starless, blank  area. My hands were covered in blood and sore, Dusky looked tired and uncomfortable, stained in dried blood from huddling close to my friend, using all of his power to try to help him. 

I hadnt slept for well over 24 hours, and was exhausted, but refused to let myself sleep until 4-A came back, if he ever did. Justin's bleeding had stopped, at least for now. I sighed and let myself sit next to him, still unconcious. I  breathed slowly and stared down the dark hallways, a gentle quiet hum admitting from them. 

I blinked slowly, each time the area getting more fuzzy, I wasn't going to sleep, I wasn't..... I woke up in a jolt, Dusky panicked and trying to get me awake, I looked down at him tiredly, I hadn't slept more than a few hours, and was still tired, but a shock woke me, next to me Justin was not breathing. 

The air left me as I jolted up, a feeling of pure shock and unbelief overcame me, I couldn't accept this, not  like this, if I had more time-.  he probably wasn't un-responsive for long, as Dusky was pretty smart, 4-A still not back. When I had fallen asleep, his bleeding must have kicked up again, if only I hadn't- that didn't matter. 

''JUSTIN!'' I cried, panicked and weakly, shaking him desperately, no response. I breathed in shudders and frantic gasps. He couldn't die. Not when I cared about him so much, my friend. ''I SAID WAKE UP YOU-'' I sobbed, hugging his lifeless body and feeling Dusky getting under my arm, his antenna down sadly as he whined and curled down next to me, nudging Justin and trying to wake him up frantically. 

I sobbed heavily, hyperventilating and barely being able to breath,  the world spinning and my heart pounding. ''I can't lose you. Please we just became friends.. Justin please!'' I choked, gasping.   I heard the sound of someone stepping behind me, and I jolted around. ''Im sorry it took me so long I got- Im too late aren't I?'' It was 4-A, a medkit in his claws, he slowly dropped it.  I only looked at him frantically, unable to speak. 

It looked down sadly and sat down, a soft pained hiss bearing from it's teeth. Dusky whined and nudged Justin's body, not understanding what was happening. ''He's- he's gone Dusk.'' I swallowed. I slowly got up, picking up my backpack and taking the new medkit from 4-A and putting it in, then putting it on. My arms felt a lot better, but the wounds weren't fully closed. 

I gently picked Dusky up, he reached back with his front legs at Justin, whining. I wiped the tears from my face. 4-A got up again and looked down. ''I know somewhere safe-ish we can rest. It's a bit of a walk b-'' it started, however the sound of a sputtering cough came from behind me, I jolted around. 

Justin breathed heavily, somehow still alive. He glanced up at me. My heart jumped into my throat, shocked. Dusky scrambled from my arms and nudged him in the side, wings buzzing happily. A warm, relieved, feeling overcame me. I said nothing and only lunged, engulfing him in a tight hug, sobbing again. 

He winced slightly in pain, but hugged me back. ''Don't you ever fucking scare me like that EVER again or I will stab you.'' I sobbed, half laughing half crying, still wrapped around him. He coughed slightly, extremely weak. ''I-I'm sure you will. =('' He said back, his breath short and weak. 

He looked behind me, noticing 4-A's presence. ''Thats a frowner- don't you guys travel in packs? =('' He coughed, getting up weakly. ''I lost my groups.'' It said, blandly. ''You missed a lot.'' I said, quickly getting my backpack and pulling out the medkit, scrambling for the bandages. ''Sit down, you just died.''

He said nothing and got back down, Dusky not waiting to nuzzle him. He winced slightly as I bandaged his torso and the areas I hadn't gotten on his arms, wrapping them tightly and pouring half of a almond water bottle into them, and giving Dusky the other half. Leaving me at three full bottles, and two empty ones. 

''When I was through the hallways, I saw a corner room, it looks somewhat safe, and danger can be seen easily from around a corner.'' 4-A spoke, helping Justin up who hesitantly grabbed its clawed hand. ''How far is it?'' I asked. ''at least a mile.'' It replied. I thought for a second. ''Do you think you can make that?'' I looked up at Justin, squeezing his hand a bit. He looked back down at me surprised, and stuttered to answer. ''I-I think- yes- =(''

I blushed back and smiled nervously, quickly letting go of his hand and lookin to 4-A. ''Sooo- should we uh- starting moving?'' I grasped Dusky and held him, his body going limp like a puppy, and putting him down in front of me so he would follow.  It nodded. I made sure I had all my stuff and began following it, Justin close behind me. 

Most of the walk was quiet, 4-A concentrating on getting us to some safety, however the freakishly familiar sound of the angry faceless creature appeared, it had backup this time. 3 smaller child versions of itself, all baring knives. 

Dusky jumped in front of the group and buzzed angrily, 4-A baring its teeth and claws, and me slowly loading my gun. ''Havent you shitbags learned your lesson?!'' I hissed, anger and fear hitting me like a truck, the sound of the gun reloading clicking in my mind. 

The pink dress faceless creature let its minions attack, standing and watching at they lunged, Dusky  tackling and pinning one down, and 4-A going hand-to-claw with one, fierce hissing came from the two, and the last stared me down with its non-existent eyes glaring me down. ''This time the only thing getting mutilated is YOU.'' I snarled, aiming the gun directly at it, the angry fear pushing me. 

It lunged, throwing its knife directly at me, I yelped and barely missed it, nearly firing in the air, Justin slowly backing up behind me, knowing he couldn't fight and holding his ground. I got up before it could hit me, and kicked it directly in its stomach down, and firing directly at its head, an explosion of blood erupting from its head, dead. 

I looked back at Dusky and 4-A, both of them cornering the last creature. ''Finish th-'' The pink dress entity snarled, emerging and knocking the two off course, hissing at forcing them back. ''YOU GUYS WATCH OU-'' It's vision turned to me. 

I swallowed nervously but held my ground, hands shaking. It lunged before I could re-load my gun, forcing me down and holding its knife directly above my head, about to stab. I closed my eyes, and the sound of a faint hiss- and its weight suddenly off me. 

Justin had found the strength and thrown his bat, it stabbed directly through the creature's skull, the smaller one taking its chance and running. ''Gah- thanks.'' I sighed, ripping the weapon from its skull and tossing it to Justin, who scrambled to catch it. ''That was really immpresive. =('' He murmured. 

I laughed nervously, the feeling of adrenaline running of. ''Its crazy what a bit of panic, fear, and anger can do to someone.'' 4-A panted heavily. ''They were guarding the safety nook.'' It spoke, pointing to a strange out of place room sitting in the corner. ''I hope that one doesnt come back. =('' Justin murmured. 

''I dont think it will.'' 4-A spoke and grabbed Dusky and gently patted him on his head. ''Good- boy?'' I laughed and watched as Dusky kicked himself free and fluffed his blood-stained fur, trotting away firstly into the nook, we'd be here for awhile.

(1357 word count)

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