Chapter 5 (level 10)

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     Yet another level. It was rather foggy and lightly raining, and appeared to be a wheat field...? With a dirt patch going directly through it. ''Finally. This is level 10, it's safe. =('' Justin said, sighing with relief. ''I guess the moth must've lived here, told you he'd repay us!'' I said, watching as the moth lapped up puddles of what was that... almond water I believe. 

   We began walking along the dirt path, whilst the rain was somewhat annoying and wet, it was rather calming hearing it's patter on the ground, reminding me of when I would stare outside my windows at home, sometimes wishing I could run away and live with nothing other then the animals and rain. ''What are you gonna name that moth? I don't think it's gonna leave us now that we rescued and fed it. Besides, with that head injury it wouldn't survive long. =('' Justin asked, and carefully stepped over a puddle.  ''Hmmm....'' I said, looking at the moth, it had some light brown fur patterns, along with darker ones along its side. ''Dusky.'' I replied. ''Fitting name. =('' 

    ''Yea, I think it is. Isnt little guy?'' I asked the moth, however he still seemed dumbfounded, and only made a happy buzzing noise as he lapped up the water puddles, not giving a single shit about anything else in his world. ''Oh hey, there's a barn over there. =('' Justin said mid walk, stopping and pointing to a large barn structure. 

''Oh, probably a good idea to get out of this rain.'' I said, and quickly refilled my water bottle with one of the almond water puddles, and went inside. 

''We should probably stay here till the rain stops, maybe then we can explore a bit and rest up for the next level?'' I suggested, still watching Dusky frollic around, acting more as a dog then a moth, and not even considering he had wings, despite being able to fly when he was panicked. ''Good idea, how's your arm? =('' Justin asked. ''It still is a bit sore, but it's not that bad.'' I replied and went to sit on one of the less spiky looking haybales. 

''I'm gonna eat some stuff, I know you don't eat much, but do you want some?'' I asked, and took out some salted cashews from my bag, aswell as taking off my wet jacket, and putting it aside for drying. ''I'm good, Im just gonna watch the rain for a bit. =(''  ''Got it.'' I replied back and began to eat the cashews, the moth flicking its antenae ( I know that's spelled incorrectly I'm sorry xd) 

''Oh you wont like these, their not good for moths.'' I said, Dusky sitting in front of me with his eyes expanded to the size of baseballs. ''You don't even have teeth to chew this.'' He continued to stare, not giving up on what he thought was a potential meal. ''No. Umm... bad little moth...?'' He finally gave up, making a what I think was a heavy buzzing... guilty noise? I couldn't tell. ''Don't go far.'' I said, and then continued to eat and listen to the rain. 

                                                                              Justin's POV

That human was really getting to me. Not in a bad way, however I didn't necessarily like how she managed to get to me, being so kind and.. caring I suppose? It wasn't something I was liked, however it wasn't a bad thing either. Friendship was a hard word in my community, while no one was treated bad inside the community, everyone, including myself ever since I was only 14, was seen as just another member in the army.  And quite frankly, most of the wanderers saw us that way aswell. Not this one, she was rather kind-hearted and saw me as an actual person. And to that I didn't know how to feel. 

The moth interrupted me mid-thought, passing by me and jumping off the haystack I was sitting on, and going flying into the air. He  flew around happily in the rain, discovering his wings worked and that they could do useful things, and then coming back on the ground next to me, acting almost like some kind of creature from the frontrooms that wanted encouragement. I gave the moth a gentle pat on the head, and watched it buzz excitedly to Casey. 

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