Chapter Six. (level 11 and level fun =) )

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                                                                                            Casey's POV


Ah fun, more levels. This one looked like a city, and what I think in the distance was two buildings- Glitched together....? ''Never heard of this one.. =('' Justin said, glancing around the streets next to the side walk we had bean teleported to.  ''Eh....  oh shit. =('' He suddenly said, turning around to glance at a building on the next street, a sign placed on it's top labeled (insert name of level 52's name xd). 

I could see Dusky perking his antenna towards the building, clearly sensing something wrong about this building, and Justin's hand shaking slightly. ''W-what's wrong Justin?'' I asked nervously, getting next to him and staring down the street. ''T-that's- that's an entrance to level 52... that's where all hell broke loose. =('' He stammered, barely moving at the sight of his old home that had bean blown to chaos and murder, those motherfuckering french-fry wannabe  looking bitches had caused. 

''Oh... m-maybe- maybe we should steer clear of it and look for the next no-clipping section.. you heard what that guy said, ''we would have to travel until we got lucky to a level that could take us- me.. back to earth.'' I suggested, however Justin seemed unfazed by said sentence. ''I don't want to put you in danger... but what if their are survivors.? =('' He said, finally shaking himself from the shock and looking down at me. I hesitated, I killed one of those fucks, but had a bit of a surprise element in said attack. ''Y-your right.. more hooded emo weapon-wielding entities would be great on our team.'' I said nervously, laughing in attempts to faze off the extremely shitty joke I had made. 

He gave me a brief mildly offended stare, (Yes Ik they have masks, but based on body language xd) but quickly shook it off. ''Y-yes I suppose, let's just make sure to keep the door open so we can leave. =('' ''Alright- I'll tell the moth to keep it open, if he understands me that it.'' I replied, picking up the moth, glancing around the street quickly and then dashing towards building in a quickly. 

I stared down the door, the moth jumping out of my arms, his antenna flaring wildly, he could certainly sense the danger on the other side, and buzzed hesitantly at it, knowing we were going to go in. ''Alright, Dusky guard the door, ok?'' I said, thinking automatically that this creature would get my command, however his response was ignoration and continuation of sensing out the door. ''Yeah... I don't think we can rely on this bug- maybe we should just put the door stop on it and get out  asap. =('' Justin said, looking down at the bug investigate the door. I felt hesitant, however I owed him. ''Sure. Let's just be quick.'' I replied, sighing and opening the door, and put the door stop on. 

That once warm airflow was stale with blood, and just as I walked in, tripped on a bloody partypooper mask, pieces of rotting flesh still on the back. I could see Justin staring blankly down the hall, his breath shuddering as he looked around the halls, rotting corpses on every corner. ''Holy hell.'' I murmured, Gently placing Dusky next to the door, pouring half of a bottle of almond water on the ground to encourage him to stay safe next to the door, and drinking the rest. 

Justin shuddered horrifically quiet halls, something wasn't right. ''Lets.. lets check the council room first, it has lots of hiding spots. =('' He said, firmly grasping his bat and beginning to walk towards a room. ''Sure....let's be quick though.'' I replied nervously, and following him, trying not to vomit at the horrific smell and even look of the bodies, several of them having their oily, bloody,  organs lain across their limp bodies, fucking horrible. 

The quiet was unsetting, and Justin clearly was tense. ''Alright, here it is. =('' He said, swinging open a door, and holy shit, it was ten times worse this room. I could see ten times more bodies, at least some of them were partygoers. I watched horrified, were those leeches? I stared in disgust, fucking leeches were crawling through the bodies, traveling through and devouring the corpses, the partypooper ones at least.  Justin stared blankly at one of the bodies, trying to keep his calm but his breath picking up pace, and his hand shaking badly as his grip tightened on his weapon. 

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