Ch4pt3r 8 (level 4)

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The elevator had traveled up for a few minutes, the heat was still stuffy inside it, however that quickly faded as the door opened to reveal what to my relief was I think was level 4, the empty office expanse. 

Casey breathed heavily, painfully clenching her arms and wincing in pain with every step. ''Great...where are we now?'' She asked weakly. ''Its level 4. It's safe, but not really the best place to set up a camp, we should probably keep moving. =('' I sighed. ''Sure...can we at least rest a bit...even if we don't sleep? I don't think I can while these bite marks exist. '' She said  exhaustedly again. 

Luckily, this level probably had enough discarded medical supplies and almond water so we wouldn't have to use our one quickly fading med-kit. ''I don't think I treated your injuries very well, they look soaked with blood, and it could lead to an infection. =('' I said. ''Oh... yea maybe so.'' My (friend?) said quietly and tiredly, quickly finding a corner and sitting in it, Dusky instantly going to sit next to. 

''Rest a bit here, maybe eat a bit. I'm going to see if I can get anything for your injuries. =('' I said, glancing around a bit and tossing the backpack to her and taking an empty bottle for almond water. She said nothing, and simply nodded me off. 

                                                                               Slight time skip 

I had bean walking for a bit, through the empty expansive space for a while now and had found plenty of almond water, yet, not a single bandage or anything other than the water. Strange. Last time I had bean here with a (friend?) it was full of trading wanderers and not so empty. Something had gone through here, this part at least. 

The only sound was dripping water, it was almost maddening, but at the same time, kind of nice to be alone again, but also felt odd, like I was alone but wasn't at the same time. I thought for a bit, I had bean around here for a mission, maybe I could remember where a major trading place was, even if it was abandoned, it might have anything left. 

I managed to think of a location, up North a bit was a large (REDACTED NAME) explorer group, they had bean trading a lot of medical supplies, I think. 

I began walking North, but something wasn't right. It was way too quiet, way to alone. Someone had to be stalking me. I fiddled with my bat nervously, ready for anything that would jump out of the shadows. I then saw it, a very large camp in the near  distance, random shit piled everywhere. It certainly wasn't an explorer group. 

''Hello? Is anyone there? =('' I called out, my voice echoing throughout the complex. No response. Only the quiet dripping water. I sighed nervously and began approaching the camp, wearily looking behind me as I walked towards it, and finally approached it. 

It looked very ragged, like something a wanderer would have made, and had stuff piled everywhere randomly, and what I think was a rugged large tent. Someone had bean here recently, which made me nervous. It could have been an entity. I looked around nervously for medical supplies, but before I knew it, I had bean slammed against a wall in an almost instant, no warning at all. 

An Aiden. It wasn't  incredibly strong, and I managed to push it away, barely missing knocking it's head off, however it was extremely fast.  And it fell back half way into the camp, standing up. I stared at it, it's hazy eye narrowing. ''The fuck are you doing in our camp?'' It suddenly spoke. ''Our...? =('' I replied, questioned. I then turned. Another fucking partypooper. ''Already Aid- who- JUSTIN?! =('' She suddenly said, lowering the rifle she was holding. 

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