(Chapter) 10 (level 8)

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        The hallway slowly faded into a dark cave system, the drip of water echoing. ''Shit. Casey we need to get out, NOW. =('' Justin said after a moment of panicked silence. ''Well, isn't that what we do best? Escaping and surviving?'' I said laughing nervously. ''This is level 8, I've heard a lot of horror stories from here. =('' He replied, glancing around the cave, the only thing visible in a 2 foot radius was stalagmites and  stalactites.

         ''Yet another hellhole in this twisted dimension.'' I sighed. ''Yup. Stay quiet and next to me, the entities here rely a lot on sound. =('' He said again. ''And pick up Dusky, he is going to be noisy if he starts flying.  =('' I nodded slowly and picked up the bug, he went kind of limp almost like a puppy being picked up by its mother. ''I really hope he'll heal.'' I said quietly  as we begun walking. 

       The quiet sound of dripping water echoed through the caves, a few times Dusky had slipped and  struggled free and lapped it up with his long proboscis tongue, seeming almost desperate. He must have bean starved and exhausted from all his injuries and needed the extra energy.  Luckily, he was pretty quiet while doing it luckily.

As I walked, I slowly let my mind wander. What was going on in that dream? Why was it so vivid... and horrifying? What was with the vines and all the eyes? And the (Water?)? And what in the bloody hell was that (partygoer?) talking about? It was worrisome, was it some kind of vision? Was it just the backrooms being freaky? I was completely lost in thought at this point, I was paying any attention.

''Casey watch your footing. =('' Justin said out of the blue, snapping me back to reality and grabbing me by the wrist, and pulling me to the side. A black tar puddle sat only 3 feet away from me, hands reaching out and grasping the area around the pool. ''Holy hell.'' I murmured, backing up from the black liquid tar. Justin let go of my wrist, noticing  something on the ground, and Dusky struggled out of my arms  to investigate.

''Looks like someone has been here already. =('' Justin murmured quietly, waiting for Dusky to stop his investigation and picked up the object, a rifle. ''Woah! We can use this I think?'' I said, a little to loud. ''Perhaps, don't know if it works however. =('' He replied, investigating it further, clearly not knowing how to use a firearm. 

''Well don't shoot yourself, let me see.'' I said, taking the gun, and inspecting it more carefully. The safety appeared to be on. (I have no clue how guns work so-) ''Was there anything else next to this? Like ammo packs or anything?'' I said again. ''I'll look, pretty dark in here. =('' He replied, getting back on the floor to look for anything else. 

''Two packs of ammo, one is half empty so the gun is probably full. =('' He said after minute, and I think I managed to figure out the safety system, and had the gun loaded. ''Oh good, mind putting those in the backpack? I think after that it's going to be packed.'' I said back, aiming the gun at the floor as I spoke. 

''Of course not, you're pretty good at this. =('' He said as he stuffed the packs in. ''Eh, went hunting with my uncle once, hit a rabbit in the foot and had to stab it death.'' I replied. ''Wasn't to fun.'' ''Wow. You sure it works? =('' He said back. ''Well- I don't want to tell all the entities here that dinner has arrived, I'll test it lat-'' I was fidgeting with the trigger a bit too much, and accidently pressed it. A booming crash came from the floor underneath me, the bullet  ricocheting off the floor and crashing into a pillar, the sound travelling throughout the caverns, everything knew we were here. 

''Well shit, that's probably not good.'' I said in a nervous tone. slowly backing up from the smoking bullet hole. Dusky was hiding begin a small pillar, scared from the noise. ''Nope. You're probably gonna need that rifle again though. =('' He replied, staring at a strange deformity in the cave wall, some horrifying mix between a spider in a human. 

It sat there, perhaps sensitive to sound and movement. I tried to control my breathing, and I slowly raised the gun, already used to the constant attacks. The entity kept sitting there. ''I don't think it's hostile-'' I slowly lowered the gun, only for Dusky to slam directly into the entity, it's human like arms catching him. 

''DUSKY!" I screamed, raising the gun and hitting it in it's head frantically, it screamed in pain, releasing Dusky who luckily wasn't hurt. It un-camouflaged and began circling, digging into the ground and investigating on the best way to kill us. Dusky landed next to my feet, stretching his wings and gaining a defensive pose, the entity was nowhere in sight, however I could sense its presence. ''Get ready, it could be anywhere. =('' Justin said, raising his bat. 

It jumped out from a hole, jumping in front of us and hissing, raising its legs to make itself look bigger, and then lunging towards Justin, not giving me time to reload before it was pinning him down, trying to scratch him as he kicked and smacked  it fiercely. ''GET OFF HIM!" I screamed, reloading and shooting it in it's side, giving Justin time to get up and hit it away. 

It hissed bitterly, all three of us in front of it, Dusky still continuing to act fierce. It took a few glances around, and then in a panic, dug back into the ground. ''Ha! I think we scared it off.'' I said triumphantly. ''I don't think that was us. =('' Justin said, turning around. A gigantic spider stared us down, bare inches away from us. 

I blinked, hoping it wouldn't react. It shrieked, it's saliva flying. ''SHIT! RUN!" I cried, running left frantically, Dusky had already flew down the cavern, gone in an instant, I didn't even know if Justin was behind me, or if the spider was. 

I heard it's shrieks from behind me, two tunnels were in front of me, cold air radiating from them. A no-clipping area? (BAD CHOICE CASEY) I was to desperate to debate which one, and ran through the right side, the spider's screech faded in an instant, my face slamming into the icey ground.

(1111 words)

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