Who I really am

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"Dipper thank goodness your all right! Gosh sis sis I missed you so much!" Mabel said running to her twin and crushed her with a hug. Dipper stood in her hold stiff and not hugging her back.

Dipper was still trying to think of words to say to her. Ford and Stan with relieved smiles on their face. "Dipper your okay." Stan said and gave Dipper a hug while Mabel was still hugging her. Dipper still didn't hug them.

"We'll get you out of here now Dipper. Now that Bill's away for now you can come back home with us." Ford said happily. "S-Stop." Dipper said silencing their talk and three of them looked at her confused.

"Dipper?" They said confused. "Y-Your not suppose to be here! You need to leave now!" Dipper said panicking in front of them hugging her sides. "I thought you guys have forgotten about me already." Dipper said still panicking.

"Dipper we'd never forget you! We're your family!" Mabel shouted at her. Mabel's Grunkles behind her wondering why Dipper didn't like seeing them. Dipper covered her ears and shook her head.

The pressure of seeing them made her head hurt. Dipper looked at them sadly and took a few steps back from them. "Stan, Ford, Mabel. You can't take me back anymore. I'm not normal." Dipper told them sadly.

Dipper's family tried to come closer to her, but she stopped them once more. "Scutum!" Dipper recited, a blue shield surrounding her. "Kid your normal! What makes you think you aren't?" Stan asked Dipper.

Stan looked at his great niece through the transparent shield. They saw Dipper take short shaky breaths and to calm herself. Dipper looked at her family as calmly as she can be. "I'll tell you the truth." Dipper said.

Dipper slowly lowered the shield to the ground. "I was never part of the Pines Family, not from the beginning." Dipper said shakily. "What do you mean Dipper?" Ford questions.
Dipper sigh. "I-I'm a demon's child." She said.

"I'm not related to any of you. Stan, Ford, Mabel your not my family. I've been living a lie all my life until Bill unlock a certain memory door in my mindscape." Dipper said to them. Tears wells up in the corner of her eyes.

Dipper's tears from her then trailing down her cheeks. "You have to leave me alone and forget about me. I don't want you guys to keep any memories of me." Dipper said to attempt them to leave her alone for good.

Mabel cried as well, she ran over the lowered shield and hugged Dipper tightly. "I don't wanna forget about you Dipper! Your my twin no matter what. We all know you wouldn't hurt us." Mabel said crying her eyes out in pain.

Stan and Ford looked at each other then did the same thing Mabel did. Once they were by Dipper's side they gave Mabel and Dipper a big hug. "We accept you for who you are Dipper. Just come with us please." They said.

"Guys..." Dipper said softly, all of the pressure from before when she saw them Dipper then passed out. "Hey Dipper. Dipper!" Stan said trying to get Dipper to wake up by shaking her a bit. Ford checked Dipper's eyes.

"She's just unconscious. Quick let's bring her back to base and wait for her to wake up. She'll probably explain everything to us better when we get home." Ford said. Stan and Mabel nod following Ford out of the Fearamid.

Throne Room

Bill and his friend regrouped in the throne room after their search and proper burial of the deadman. "So what's up Bill?" Keyhole asked with a smirk. "I gave the person a proper burial and she gave me a silent treatment." Bill said.

"She's not updating my book for awhile." Bill replied unamused with his arms crossed. "I want my lovely PineTree to talk to me! It's so boring without her!" Bill whined like a child, he looked at 8 Ball and Teeth.

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