I Miss You PineTree

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Mabel and Dipper are trapped in Bill's pyramid cage. Stan and Ford are stuck on Bill's hand rope. Mabel sprayed Bill's eye. "Oh not again! Why every time!" Bill complains. Bill was rubbing his eyes in deep pain.

"I know that hurts! Because I done it to myself! Multiple times!" Mabel said proudly while shaking the spray can. Dipper made the pyramid cage big enough for herself and Mabel to get out.

While Mabel wasn't looking Dipper took her grappling hook. She put her grappling hook in her vest pocket. "Hey Bill! Come and get me you pointy dorito!!" Dipper yelled.

"Huh? Dipper! What are you doing! If you are going I am coming with you!" Mabel yelled. "No. Stay out of it. It's me that Bill wants." Dipper said then she ran away from Mabel. "Come and get me Bill!" Dipper yelled.

Dipper was waving my hands to get his attention. "Grrr!!" Bill growled angrily. "No wait! It's too dangerous!" Ford shouted. Mabel, Stan, and Ford were going to run after Dipper. Bill held them back fast.

Bill then trapped them in his pyramid cage. "Not so fast! Your three wait here!" Bill says to them.

"I got a child to turn into a corpse." He said to them then transformed into his true demon form. Bill looks at them, "See ya really soon." Bill said in deep tone. "No!!" Stan and Mabel shouts as Bill scrambled to chase after Dipper.

"Oh no! Oh no! What do we do?!" Stan panics while hugging Mabel. Ford pounding against the cage. "Dipper!" Ford shouted. Mabel cries. She was also hugging her Grunkle Stan. 'Oh my gosh! Please be safe!' She thought scared.

With Dipper and Bill

Bill chased Dipper in the hallways. Dipper grabbed her sister's grappling hook to go up the hallways. "When I get my hand on you PineTree, I'm gonna disassemble your mole-cules!" Bill shouts continuing to chase Dipper.

He almost caught her if it weren't for Mabel's grappling hook. "You've tricked me for the last time!" Bill shouted angrily. Dipper ran down the hallway only to meet a dead end. "No! Wait a second." Dipper took out her flashlight.

The flashlight has the growing and shrinking crystal that is taped on. "Well like what Grunkle Stan says, 'if one door closes, choose a near by wall and bash it in with brute force.'" Dipper said to herself.

Dipper made her hand grow bigger and punch the wall creating a giant hole. "Grunkle Stan would be so proud of me right now." She thought aloud in happiness, shrinking her hand back to normal size.

"Now I just need to round up the townsfolk and together we can-" she stopped when she saw everyone rounded up below by the other demons and laughing up at him. "Oh no..." Dipper said in fear while looking down.

"You'll never take us alive you monsters!" Grenda shouted. "That's fine with me." Teeth said and ate Shmebulock and the group screamed. "Oh no." Dipper said again in panic now worried for them.

"Peek-a-boo." Bill says as he appeared behind Dipper. Bill lifted Dipper up and grabbed her with his hand. "What did I say about heroes kid? Now you'll finally understand that you can't stop me." Bill laughed.

Dipper struggled in Bill's hold. "Bill let me go!" Dipper shouted while trying to get out of Bill's hold. Bill didn't listen to Dipper. He was feeling a bond he hadn't felt since his deal with Dipper since the sock opera.

"Oh this is just to good to be true! Looks like your still my puppet PineTree! Wonder why I didn't notice before." Bill said then hummed and decided to possess Dipper. "Bill get out of my body!" Dipper demanded in spirit form.

She was mad at Bill or Bipper since Bill was in her body. Bill chuckled and sat on the ground. "Just gonna explore your mindscape PineTree. See ya in a few minutes!" Bill said. "No! Bill!" Dipper shouted, but it was too late.

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