30.1. December

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20th December 2022

Weekly flower deliveries had become the norm at the flat. Whether Charles was here, in London, or away in a far more exciting place racing at various times of day the elaborate bouquet was always delivered to replace the last.

Each time I bashfully thank my gorgeous boyfriend for the gift he would just smile and hum "I love you" thorough the phone. As if "I love you" is all the explanation I could ever need. Maybe it is, I've never argued with the point so far. On the weeks he's here in person Charles just envelopes me in his strong arms and presses deep dizzying kisses to my lips before I can even say a word of thanks. As if my existence is all the thanks he could ever want or need.

My heart flutters every single time.

"I was thinking about Christmas." Charles had announced the week before he headed to Abu Dhabi, the last race of the season. He had a whirlwind twenty four hours in London on (what was technically) a 'layover' from Brazil where he powered through the field to fourth.

"What are you thinking about Christmas?" I returned, intrigued as to what he had already planned if he was bringing this up. If there's one thing I've come to notice with Charles it's that by the time he suggests a plan it's too late, he's already made arrangements in his mind and knows every detail of the plan. It wouldn't have shocked me right there if he revealed he'd already ordered a turkey and all the vegetables in preparation for Christmas just because he'd been 'thinking' about it for thirty minutes. Though nothing could've quite prepared me for his next words.

"That I want to spend it with you. That you spend it with me." Charles admitted with cheeks which turned pink and made mine grow with a grin.

"Is it not too soon to do shit like that?" The question is nervous and made Charles frown before shaking his head.

"I don't care." Charles had declared, almost immediately and without thought, as if the thought of 'too soon' doesn't exist when it comes to us. "Do you?" It was the exact moment he asked the question that I realised that I didn't care either. Spending time with Charles has very much become my favourite thing pretty quickly, I have a feeling that spending Christmas with Charles can only be amazing too. "We've booked a chalet in the Alps." Charles explained with a smile, squeezing my hand in his carefully. As if I needed any more explanation. He was inviting me to join and most importantly, wants to have me there.

"Ooh, France!" I had cheered in excitement at the thought of the French mountains endlessly stretching out as the sun dipped below the snowy horizon. Only when I looked to Charles he was looking at me with a flat expression.

"No!" The word is choked from him with a frown. "Italy Lilly...Italy." He corrected as if the decision to go to Italy over France was an obvious one. That he couldn't comprehend going anywhere else. The whole thing just made me giggle like a maniac. I knew he had a thing for being called French - hated it. I've always known from the way his expression hardens everytime Maddie coo's 'French prince' in his direction. I just didn't realise his distaste extended to the entire country of France - apparently it does.

I loved the plan for Italy, I'd quietly ordered thermals and a new coat and even boots for the trip over the last few weeks. The only problem was I had promised I'd join Luke and Cara for Christmas. Cara had been stressing over Brussel sprouts since September, especially since Luke's parents were joining them for the first time. Convincing the two of them to join Charles wasn't as difficult as I first feared though. I broached the topic cautiously, explaining the whole situation as we watched the warm up to the Abu Dhabi race.

"Lill I'm disowning you if you don't go." And "I'm going to stick gum in your hair again if you turn him down." Carla and Luke had blurted at the same time. Carla was grinning and Luke just looked in disbelief as he did whenever Charles was brought up in casual conversations. Even after four months he hadn't quite processed that my Charles was the Charles Leclerc he watched on TV most weekends.

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