9. Speak French

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I said I was gonna make your wait worth it and I think this does (I hope).

For those uncomfortable with sexual content I apologise, please skip this/wait for the next chapter ❤️

Charles didn't even hide it. As soon as we were back in the apartment his lips pressed to mine, his hand gripping my sides pulling me close to him, mumbling between kisses how much he wants me, how he'll teach me anything I want to know in any language. He left the door ajar, Amber and Carlos trailing far behind us (due to her shoes rubbing so much). I've never been so thankful for a blister in my whole life if it meant that Charles would handle me like this, with so much confidence and certainty.

When he's certain is when I enjoy him most.

He guides me to his room through kisses, his lips warm soft and inviting against mine. His tongue dips in my mouth when his fingers tangle in my hair. Each time he gets lost in me we end up tumbling into furniture - chairs, photo frames and books are budged from their spot, untidily strewn along surfaces until we make it into a room. Charles's bedroom. Nervous butterflies don't just swirl in my stomach but seem to run through my veins as my heart thuds with quiet nerves that the champagne is dulling. I'm so glad for the two bottle's we've sipped on throughout this evening.

There's a low light coming from a lamp by the bed which is covered with soft looking luxurious white sheets. One wall is painted a deep navy blue, the colour of the sky on a clear night, the rest of them a soft contrasting white. Every accent is gold or grey. The low light, and Charles's warm breath on my neck makes it feel like the most seductive room I've ever been on. His fingers graze against my knee as he runs the hem of my dress through his fingers. I can't help the way my eyes follow his.

"I love this dress so much Lilly." I love this dress too, it's always made me feel so confident, but never as much as now. Still, his words make my cheeks flush a little. I'm grateful for them. Although I'm fairly sure I could never feel unattractive with Charles by my side, he looks at me with a warmth and hunger I've never seen before. I make a slow swallow, taking a step away from Charles as if to explore the room in more depth, to know what the poster in the corner says or the books he's reading are. Really it's just so I can spend a minute catching my breath.

I want to remember this.

Charles has his eyes set on me, he's watching my every move, as though I might change my mind and run off away from this room if I have too much space to think. I can feel his gaze burning into my bare shoulders, his eyes have such an intensity with their stares tonight.

"It could look better on the floor?" I offer in a low purr as Charles presses the door to his bedroom closed, eyes still on me. He chokes on air with the question, not expecting it from me and unable to offer a response.

He doesn't have to.

I'm already reaching for the tie at the back of my neck, pulling on the bow I'd so carefully tied only a few hours ago. There's a small quiver to Charles's lower lip before he sinks his teeth down on it, eyes trained on mine, staring so deep in my soul I feel every muscle in my body tense and tremble. Through his lips the name is whispered so carefully it's almost silent as my fingers release the material "Baby,". It's the first time he's said that.

Then it's gone.

The white material flutters to the ground and I'm stood barefoot, and naked, with the exception of my white lace thong. It would be a lie to say I hadn't chosen it intentionally. Charles's cheeks are pink with exhilaration, I'm sure mine are too. His eyes dart over every inch of me. Flickering between my bare breasts, which feel heavy under his careful hungry gaze,  the white lace of my underwear, down my legs lengthened by my heeled sandals and up to my face. The tremble is back in my fingers as I try to form a sentence, some sense of words of his desperate I am for this man in-front of me. Charles seems to be doing the same.

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