1. Almost Fall

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Monday 9th May, Monaco

"Amber, I swear you better be close!" I huff to myself looking around the sunny Monegasque street. My weight falls onto the handle of my suitcase as my sunglasses cover my eyes. "I feel like I've been stood here for hours!" I complain pouting my lips as if my best friend can see me. I haven't been here at the address she texted me for hours at all, it had been no more than ten minutes, but after an afternoon of travelling and the taxi ride from hell all I want to do is unpack my clothes and kick my feet up on a comfortable bed. Or better yet, jump into a pool. Maybe even sit out in the remaining sun of the day. I always forget how tiring travelling is. "I-" I'm about to continue when the voicemail message cuts me off.


It's the second time it's done it. To say Amber is beginning to grate on me would not be a lie at this point. I find myself glaring at the device in my hand wondering where it gained the nerve to make my life so difficult.

With a heavy sigh I take my sunglasses off, squinting under the bright sun shining all around. The Monaco water stretches out in front of me, shimmering under the golden rays as people wander around and speed past me with purpose. Meanwhile I don't move an inch, unless it's to rub at my eyes which feel tired from the dry plane air. I'm uncertain which apartment or building I'm even supposed to be heading to. Amber just gave me a street name and told me she'd meet me on it. Voices call in French as the sun warms what there is of my exposed skin. It feels good, but I think it would feel better when I'm properly dressed, not in my plane clothes (joggers and a slightly cropped tee) or karting a heavy suitcase around.

I could be lounging around a pool cocktail in hand, or reading a book on a terrace right now. Better yet, sourcing a millionaire to buy me champagne for the entirety of the trip or buy a yacht in my name. If only my best friend would answer her freaking phone!

I unlock my phone for the fiftieth time in the twenty minutes of standing here, flicking through the apps to my text messages. The last one I received from Amber was thirty minutes ago, after which she fell off the face of the earth and I've not heard from her since. She promised she 'won't be long!' Continuing with 'We're leaving Nice now'. It has, in fact, been a little long. I'm reaching to press the call button again when the wind is knocked out of me. My body flies forward with the force of the collison against my right shoulder. It forces a gasp from my lips.

My phone slips through my fingers, flying out of my hands in slow motion, heading towards the stone of the pavement. I watch helplessly as it clatters on the fancy pavement quite dramatically. Flipping over at least three times before it settles face down on the stone. My eyes scrunch closed as my body braces, ready to join my phone on the hard stone floor. I'm ready for the sting against my palms or side, an ache in my hip or ass. Even a knock to my head.

It never comes.

Firm hands have wrapped themselves around my waist steadying me as I squeak in surprise. My arms are flung out in front of me ready to break my fall that never comes, every muscle is tense under the strangers touch. It's followed with another gasp. This time the gasp is of relief.

"Merde!" A voice huffs out quietly, tense and huffed as I'm settled firmly on my feel, finding my balance again. The hold on me is quickly released as I press a surprised hand to my chest, my muscles unwinding. The whole situation has disorientated me and made me a little dizzy. My body feels hot, too hot. What just happened? My eyes flutter quickly, rebalancing the sunglasses on my head which have fallen a little as I take in my surroundings once more.

When I eventually settle enough to understand what's going on enough I see my phone and sunglasses case strewn across the pavement. My mouth opens to say something but no words leave me. Instead I regather myself, going to retrieve my possessions lying on the floor. "Désolé, désolé." The deep voice repeats quickly, the man reaching down to pick up my phone before I even have the chance to grasp it in my own hands. "Je ne regardais pas où j'allais." He continues and I stare at him a little blankly. Blinking emptily at the words as my heart rate lowers.

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