IG - Fleur

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Ferrari.Source Charles in London today! (04/07)

Following on from Sundays race with Charles's P4 finish tensions are apparently rising within Ferrari. Sources are reporting that Charles didn't fly back to Maranello with the team nor celebrate after Carlos's win. Instead Leclerc opted to stay in the UK for a few extra days before the Austria race.

FanaticsFerrari: Do we blame him avoiding the team?

User16: 🫠🫠🥵🫠🫠

Riclerc_: Rumour has it he was seen with a bunch of flowers 👀 maybe he's not exactly avoiding the team?
〰️User32: which part of London did you see him?

SharlLecler16: Ferrari need to get their shit together like yesterday

LillyCee added to their story

LillyCee added to their story

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❤️80 people liked thisLillyCee Fleur

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❤️80 people liked this
LillyCee Fleur

MaddieW: oui oui vroom vroom

Amber.Norris: Interesting...Very interesting.

CarlosSainz: I feel I've heard that word before 👀
〰️LillyCee: Really? I can't remember it 🧐 (also, congratulations)

You guys...I'm so excited for you to read the next chapter!!

Hope everyone's had a good weekend!


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