The Sorting

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Chapter 2: The Sorting
-Bex p.o.v.-

I walked over to the boats with Remus, ignoring the first years and following the familiar, yelling voice. Remus left me to speak with some first years, informing them of which way to go and what was happening.

"First years! First years over here!" The one whose voice it belonged to couldn't have been much older than me. He looked to be in his early twenties, though he was gigantic. About seven feet tall and twice as wide as a full grown man. When he turned towards me fully I grinned up at the familiar boy.

"Hello Hagrid, nice to see you again." He looked down at me and let out a loud laugh. "Ah, Bex! Last time I saw you, you was just a little thing," he held his hand to his knees, showing how big I was.

"Yes, well I did grow some." I smirked. "But I'm nowhere near as tall as you."

"No one can compete with a half giant." He smiled and turned to where a group of Prefects were leading the first years to us. "In you go, four to a boat!" He gestured to the boats, just barely sitting in the water.

The first years all looked at them hesitantly, not doing anything, so I hopped in one with a shrug. "I don't bite." I spoke to them, "most of the time." With a smirk I leaned back in the boat and waited as the first years all hurried forward into boats, racing each other to the boats so they wouldn't have to sit with me.

When everyone got situated in their boats, I was alone, Hagrid started the boats, magically, towards the castle.

Half way to the dock across the lake the giant squid popped up. One kid got so scared he fell out of his boat and into the lake. The children started to go crazy, some even began to scream bloody murder, as if the squid would eat you, I mentally scoffed.

I glanced over at Hagrid in the next boat over before letting out a sigh and throwing my messenger bag off of me, my little Tucker meowed softly, looking up at me curiously. I did a perfect dive into the lake and swam deep into the water where the boy fell. I spotted him freaking out under the water, waving his hands around and sinking under the weight of his robes. He looked as if he was running out of air, and fast.

Grabbing him by the arm, I pulled him up to the surface, where he gasped for air. Pulling him over to my boat I lifted the light first year into the boat. Then hefting myself up, I gracefully slid into the boat.

The boy, gasping for air, threw himself at me. He wrapped his arms around me tightly in a hug.

"Are you alright?" I asked putting my arms around his shaking body.

"F-f-fine." He shivered. "Th-thank y-you."

"No problem at all." I gave him a tight smile, glancing down I noticed my clothes were heating up. I pushed the boy away, "just a second and I'll be dry, wouldn't want to burn you." I moved away from him and back to my previous seat.

He looked at my clothes, startled as to why they were drying by themselves. In seconds they were dry and it was like I wasn't wet just seconds ago. "H-how?" He muttered, staring at me as if I had just told him some big mystery about the world.

"Fire comes naturally to me." I shrugged lightly and pulled my wand out of my bag, drying the boy as we made it to the shore. I hopped out and held out a hand for him to take.

"I'm Liam," the boy introduced. He was still shivering slightly so I hesitantly wrapped an arm around his small body.

"Bex, is the name." I said with a smirk as I walked him up to where the others were waiting. Tucker had jumped out and wandered off somewhere, leaving our boat empty.

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