Chapter 13

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The feeling of silk pressed against my sensitive skin, restricting my view into the black cloth that was put against my eyes. I had a feeling this wasn't the last time I was going to be blindfolded. Now that my sight was blocked my senses were heightened. I noticed how the hands that put the blindfold there lingered for a little while, unmoving and warm. 

"Why did you need to blindfold me?" I finally asked after a little bit of silence. 

"Wouldn't want you knowing your surroundings now do we?" One of the two spoke, I was unable to tell who but I knew that it wasn't the guards since they have been quite the whole time. 

Not fighting against it, considering the position I was in at this present moment. 

Soon after, a hand was pressed onto my lower back, guiding my body forward. Gusts of wind scattered along my skin making my hairs stand on edge. The sun cast over my skin and gave my body a small amount of heat. 

I could tell we were walking on some gravel, by the crunch it made from under my feet. I couldn't remember having shoes but somehow I did.  After walking for what felt like hours on the gravel, we finally made it on some grass, then some concrete. 

I heard a car door open harshly as I was 'guided' into the back seat of the vehicle. But it was more of an aggressive shove than guiding.  

Once we were all in the car and the doors where slammed shut. Someone finally took of the blindfold. I squinted my eyes and grimaced at how bright the outside was. After finally coming to my senses, I looked around to see where I am to give me some sort of an idea of where I was. The car was an all black interior, and it kind of looked like an SUV. There was a small window that could be raised and lowered between the front and back seats. The windows were blacked out if you were looking in, but very clear when looking out. 

After assessing my situation, I realised I wasn't the only one in the back seat. I was sat in the middle and there they were, my two captures. Sat on either side of me, blocking my door exits. 

The air was thick with tension, you could quite literally cut it with a knife. Adjusting my body in my seat, trying to get comfortable while being sandwiched between people who were most definitely ruthless killers.

"Raise the glass." A cold order was said sternly to the men upfront, and almost immediately the glass was up and I was now completely alone with them. Them. 

"Now that we have some privacy, lets start with some questions." Luciano spoke again, his voice rough and deep, and so demanding. 

"Get it over with then." I roll my eyes at his statement and start giving a bit of attitude. 

Before I knew it my chin was grabbed and twisted roughly by Sinn. My face was dangerously close to his, my breath hitched and my heart beat faltered. He tilted my head to the side as he came impossibly closer to the side of my face towards my ear. 

"Don't start giving us attitude darling. I won't get you out of the situation that you got yourself in when you stepped into our house. I know full well that you know what we are capable of. You made your own bed, now you have to lie in it." His soft voice sent shivers down my spine. It was so low and dangerously calm. His voice alone held so much power over all who heard it. 

"Now what do you say?" He says again bringing his face back in front of mine, his hand still firm on my chin, having all control over where my head moves. 

I don't say anything, it was better to stay silent then be a fool by what comes out of my mouth that I wont be able to control. 

"Awww, don't go all shy on me now! I'm sure just a second ago you had a big attitude, where has that gone now hm?" He speaks in a mocking manner, smirking the whole time. "So what do you say?" 

I contemplate what I could say that won't let me end up dead. I couldn't exactly start swearing at them because they probably have multiple weapons on them. So I stick with the safe option and speak quietly. 

"Sorry." I utter lowly just above a whisper. At first I didn't think they heard me, but then the grip on my face was released and left for the cold air to take its place. 

"Thank you for the apology, though I think next time we may have to work on getting you to say it louder don't you?" Luciano finally says after a while of being silent the whole altercation. It was so blatantly obvious that he took amusement on the scene that  unfolded before him. I could tell by the smug that held on tight to his pink lips that looked like they have been chewed a lot. 

I finally take in their appearances. Luciano has tanned smooth skin with the occasional freckles peppering his clear skin. He has curly dark brown hair and hazel eyes I could find myself lost in as well as some slight stubble . He is also wearing a suit, but not one that was uncomfortable and cheap. It was one that looked comfortable and very expensive. It was clear that the gym in their house was obviously used regularly by what I could see even with a shirt on. And from what I could remember before they were both very tall, and around the same height. I would say they were around 6'3 and built with muscle. 

Looking away from Luciano I focus my attention on Sinn next. He has muddy blonde hair that is wavy and looks so soft and fluffy. His clean shaven face accompanied with his cobalt blue eyes just is the cherry in top. His skin is also tanned but not as much as Luciano. His mouth looks as if it is in a constant smirk position, though I can imagine that he doesn't always have a smiling face even when he's annoyed. 

"Are you done staring darling?" Sinn spoke up, but it looked as though they both were tempted to say it at the same time. I was caught staring. Shit. 

I look forward as my checks heat up like a thousand suns and press my legs together. 

They both chuckle quietly and and look at each other grinning from ear to ear. 

"Now that you've dropped the attitude. Lets get on with the questions we were going to do before you were so very rude." Luciano speaks and looks over at me after a little while of letting me calm down and compose myself. 

Here we go. 

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