Chapter 2

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When I finally get home, I am exhausted! I unlock my apartment door and push it open and I am met with satisfying silence.


Peace, and quiet.

It's nice sometimes to have some silence in a busy life. A bit of self-reflection time to think about myself and my body.

I zoom into my heart, and how it's feeling.

I-it's screaming? Why? I don't understand! Then silence, my head silences my heart almost immediately.

Ignoring what my body is trying to tell me, I step into the apartment. I walk over to the living room and put my phone on charge ready for the mission tomorrow.

Taking another look at the list, I try to imbed the items into my mind to avoid having to take it tomorrow. Though, I probably will anyway.

I flop onto the sofa and turn on the tv, in search of something to keep me awake for the night. To distract myself.

I open Netflix and find a series I think will be kind of interesting; The Mortal Instruments. Seems alright I guess, It'll do.

I start it and before I know it I've started episode nine. Shit. I should go to bed now, I'm sure my body won't appreciate being run down tomorrow.

After turning off the TV, I groggily stumbled into my bedroom. When approaching my bed, my feet give way and I collapse face first into my sheets.

I slowly turn onto my back and stare up to my ceiling.

Sighing in content, I let the darkness of my nightmares engulf me and squeeze me in a tight ever-lasting chokehold.

I fall 'asleep.'


Its time for the heist. The time I have been trying to avoid as best as I could. Buts it's inevitable. Have you ever felt this way? Scared of a moment, trying to avoid it and distract yourself, trying to erase it from your memories until you are forced to face it again?

I exit my bedroom and make my way to my office, well not actually and 'office' more like a small spare bedroom that had no use being in my house since nobody ever came over. Anyway, I go to the office and locate the hidden room behind a bookshelf. I scan through the bookshelf and find the snake bookend, I carefully pull it towards my torso and hear a satisfying faint click. 

Pulling open the door, I am greeted by a fingerprint scanner. Can never be too save am I right? I play my index, middle and ring finger onto the scanner. I blinding light beams over my fingers checking and verifying them. 

A green light and a high pitched beep grants my entry. I push open the heavy metal door and survey my 'fun room', as I call it. Its stores all of my weapons and gear any assassin would crave to have. 

They're lined up in size order in floor to ceiling glass cabinets on the obsidian black wall. A purple glow emits from the peak the cabinets. Just about providing enough light and vision to know what you are looking at. 

I have knifes, katanas, swords and spears lined on my right side. In the middle is all my tactical gear such as: Motorbike helmets, Bullet-proof vests, holsters, duffel bags and etc. Finally on my left side is my guns. Oh, and maybe my flamethrower. Yes yes I know a flamethrower. Gotta be prepared for any situation! 

I stride into the room towards my tactical gear. I grab a vest, a helmet, some black camouflage, holsters, grip gloves and a duffel bag. I then walk over to my knifes section and grab some small but deadly knife I can hide around my body for quick access. I next walk over to my gun cabinets and grab my favourites; a small handgun, a MK14, my Dragunov and spare bullets for each. 

I put everything in the duffel bag and put the body armour and gear over my black joggers and turtle neck. 

I'm ready. 

I think... 

I sigh, making my way out of the fun room. I hear a crash, then a thud, then some very faint quick footsteps. 

I automatically go into stealth mode and grab one of my hidden knife I have scattered inside of the house. I hide it behind my back and take quiet fast steps towards the open office door. Once I am at the door I put my back against the door. I peak my head around and once its clear I walk into the living room. 

The intruder has now made itself into the kitchen, why?

As the footsteps come towards my I quickly take my knife out ready to have to end a life today. 

I can't see anyone? 

A loud meow takes my attention and brings my focus down towards my feet. My cat. MY FUCKING CAT! Stupid prick! 

A little backstory, my cat is called Tip. Around a week ago he fucked off to god knows where, AND NOW HE SHOWS UP AT THE WOSRT TIME.  

"You ass." I throw my hands up in the air. I sigh and bend down to pick him up, he's never minded being picked up. Which I find is good because I can get extra cuddles without him clawing my eyes out. 

"You're going to be a house cat from now on. You've lost your privileges." I say to his face then put him down on his cat tree. Which was hella expensive considering he's just going to destroy it anyways. 

It's time to go. 

I grab the duffel back I dropped somewhere along the way, grabbed my phone and walked out the door. It was sunset by now, and it might take a while to get to the location so its better to be early than late right? Not that they were expecting us that is. 

BOSS 🤏🏽🍆:

What was the address for the job?

It's  ********************. Do. Not. Fuck. This. Up.

Have I ever fucked up a job? Hm?

There is always a first time. Good luck.

I arrive at the location I was gives around 11.25. Eh, I will have to find the area of breach I was told to go to. 

I travel through the well kept forest at the edges of the house, blending in quite well with my all-black attire. 

When I reach the wall, there is a guard standing right in front of it. Is he looking at me? Can he see me?!

Thankfully the time comes for the rotation and he just walks away, must have not seen me then. 

I see the guard coming on the other side of the corner, once the back of the guard is turned I run out and clasp my bag tighter as I straddle fault over the wall. As I approach the floor I roll to dismiss the impact and the sound made.

I am now on a large balcony, there was a room light on. Should I look? What is someone sees you!? True. But I am going to anyway because I make bad decisions.

Ignoring my gut feeling, I peek my head around the corner. My eyes open wide and I gasp at the sight that I see.


Hehehe cliff-hanger >:)

Hope you like it so far! xoxo


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