Chapter 5

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I put down my phone after getting ready and head into my wardrobe to decide what I am going to wear. 

I walk over into my walk in wardrobe and hurriedly look through my clothes since it was 4.30pm. I have realised that my whole wardrobe only consists of black, grey, black and white. Oh, and did I say black? Plus the fact that the only nightclub dress wear I had was down to the knees with a square shape that was given to me by my oh so lovely mother. At the time she though it looked good on me, how I hate that dress. 

Guess it's time for a last minute shopping spree with the newfound fortunes I have made. Which is good because I am just slightly broke off my ass. So it is a big help with bills, especially because of the prices going up nowadays. 

I sigh, and leave the wardrobe, not bothering to get changed since I can just put a hoodie over the top of what I am wearing now. 

I grab my keys, helmet, my phone and my purse. I hear a loud meow behind me and rubbing against my leg. Of course! I couldn't forget about my sweet boy Tip! I give him a scratch behind the ear and a quick belly rub before I leave the house. I walk out of my door and down a skinny flight of stairs that two people wouldn't be able to walk together side-by-side down. 

I go to the very bottom of the stairs to the extremely large garage. Conveniently, I have a motor bike AND a car. My motor bike that is a matt black and very cool looking. Then there's my car, my shitty run down car that only works when you hit it a couple of times.  

I hop on my bike and pull on my helmet for safety. Who wouldn't want to be safe when riding?

I drive past some alright cars on my way out of the garage, a simple smile showing as my greeting.

Luckily for me, I live close-ish to the city. You see, I live in quite a remote area. Everyone knows everyone and your never too far from anything. Its just off of the city, where I'm meting Mia tonight. There is no club in the neighbourhood, so the city is the next best choice to pick up some drinks or something else if you know what I mean, wink wink.

Anyway, the neighbourhood has come so far since I was a child. I have lived here all my life and it has changed so much. I remember it only being a couple of houses, a shop, and a park. That was it. Now, it's got so much more! It's got a cinema, a small mall, more houses, a court, a sports centre, a gym and so much more! I'm so proud of it! To bad I haven't improved with it. 

Moving on. I reach the suburbs of the city and breathe in the toxic, cluttered air into my tight lungs. As I progress further in, the sight of shops and malls becomes more apparent. 

I pull up to a tall car park and put my bike there and lock it, and not long after I pay for the parking on my phone. 

I stumble out into the streets looking like a lost puppy since I don't come here often. 

I look around for a shop that looks somewhat expensive, I am not going to be caught dead wearing cheap clothes to a club! I mean, if its at home it's fine.. As long as nobody see's me in them! 

I finally see a shop that catches my eye, it has a golden neon sign with the store name on it. Eh. It'll be good enough for me.  

I walk through the black tinted doors that were left open due to the summers early arrival. I would have to say that summer is my favourite time of the year. Why? Because who likes the other months?! In summer you don't have to worry about your windshield freezing, or not having enough layers on. Its perfect in everyway!

As I walk into the store, I spot rails on rails and shelves on shelves of stunning dresses. I stare in awe at the wide selection that was available for all body types. They're all so beautiful! It's going to be so hard to pick one for tonight! Hmm...

I look through the mass amount of fabrics and pick out 5 to try on in the changing rooms. 

Luckily, the changing rooms actually were alright. Each booth had a private door instead of a flimsy curtain that nobody trusts.

I pick a booth at the end, they're always the best ones 'cause they're secluded. I go in and it was rather spacious, it was about the size of an medium to large bathroom. At least I have space to move around if needed. 

I begin to change into my first dress. It was blue and flowy, it was a very smooth fabric, and it also had gold accents around in places. It was nice! But I'm not sure if it is night club material though. 

My second dress was a white knee length, made of satin. Wow! I look like a CEO grandma! Nope. Next!

The third and forth dress was a no too, and by the time I came to my last dress I was beginning to doubt myself. My self-esteem was dropping rapidly. 

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