Chapter 1-06

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Without a doubt, you were completely enamored with Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Albus Dumbledore. His sparkling gaze and infectious enthusiasm for all things magical truly embodied what this subject was meant to be: an exciting journey filled with endless experimentation. It was no wonder that you took his lessons far more seriously than any other class.

Yet despite your passion for these subjects, there was one thing that always held you back. Even during class when your mind should have been focused on learning from Dumbledore himself, it couldn't help but wander towards Tom's offer.

Few weeks had gone by since you last directly interacted with him. The fact that you were both going to Hogwarts should have meant you saw each other on a regular basis, but instead all you could do was catch glimpses of the boy around school passing through different corridors, watch him pay close attention to his classes or talking with other students. Whenever you happened to make eye contact, he would just give you a stare before turning away and vanishing into the crowd.

For some reason, knowing that Tom stopped talking to you caused your heart to sink whenever you thought back to your long days spent at the orphanage together.

Moments like you running across meadows while he stood stiffle by the side. It seemed like only yesterday that your laughter echoed in the same places you used to explore as a child, and while there was much you wanted to tell him, you couldn't find the courage to approach him.

Today was much more unbearable because Dumbledore called upon Tom for an example of Defense Against the Dark Arts magic. You watched him calmly answer all of the questions posed to him by the professor and even win a few smiles from the rest of the class with his wit.

The Gryffindor beside you saw your distraction and poked your side playfully. "What's wrong? Worried you'll get extra homework?"

You smiled nervously but couldn't shake off the feeling of regret. Should you have agreed? Tom was your closest friend after all.

You weren't sure if you should tell Alyssa about what was bothering you, so you changed the subject quickly and asked her how she liked Hogwarts so far. She rambled about it, and soon enough you were in deep conversation about Quidditch and how much it sucked that you couldn't fly together.

Despite Madam Hooch's request to keep quiet about Avery's incident with the broom you told her about it and she laughed until her sides hurt. It wasn't like you spilled the beans about a big secret. The rest of that day, Avery was sulking around the corridors with a large, white bandage covering most of his nose.

Dumbledore warned about the dangers of dark magic and how important it was to stay vigilant. You listened intently, taking notes and trying to absorb everything he said, easier said than done when there was so much guilt weighing down on you.

Creasing at the sides as his brows furrowed in awareness, Dumbledore's eyes took you i  from where he was standing in front of the first row desks, and he spoke your name like it was a question.

"Miss (L/N), my dear," he requested your attention gently, smiling as you glanced up from your notes. "I can sense that something is troubling you. Would you care to share?"

You didn't want to say it in front of everyone and Tom himself, and Dumbledore quickly seemed to get that idea when his gaze found Tom looking at you and him. He boomed out that everyone should go back to reading and that you were to come to his office to talk in private.

Your first thought was oh Merlin, what have I done and how bad is this going to be? A bit reluctantly at first, you trailed behind Dumbledore slowly, dreading the reprimanding that was sure to follow once you reached his office. However, upon entering, you were pleasantly surprised by the warmth emanating from the room. There was an open fire burning in one corner and Dumbledore's presence filled every inch of space there, like an old professor whose wisdom enveloped everyone near him.

Hogwarts: a school of Witchcraft and Love (Tom Marvolo Riddle x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now