episode twenty-one

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"i'm so excited, y/n!"

"alright, stop moving too much or you'll lose energy."

"i can't! it's like i just drank coffee!!"

"will you promise to stop if i buy you some donuts?"


"then sit here. don't go anywhere, alright?"


"i love you. i'll be back."

wow. it's like handling a kid. the others thought while staring at mysta being left by y/n with their luggage.

y/n looked around and immediately bought mysta some donuts after she saw the shop. the husband and wife are currently in the airport, waiting for their plane to france.

y/n was specially admitted to sorbonne université when she was 14 years old. now, a specific batch of college students she used to be with before has invited her to their so-called reunion. y/n had doubts. big ones. but she's going.

especially after seeing how excited mysta was.

going out of the country is not the first for these two. after all, they did have their honeymoon in russia. however, mysta couldn't contain his excitement about travelling with his wife again.

plus, he gets to know her again through the help of her college friends!

colleagues, to be precise.

"i'll have two of these. then one of this and a box of these."

"hello sir." a couple of college-looking kids greeted mysta who was almost hibernating in his seat. you can't blame the man, it is cold at the airport.

"hi. what do you want?" mysta straight up asked.

"the woman with you, sir. the one wearing a blue-green sundress." one of them said. "are you her boyfriend? if not, can we have her number?"

mysta's eye twitched without losing his smile. these kids are so bold!

"no, i'm her husband. and no, you cannot have her number." mysta replied.

"oh." the college students felt disappointed, although it didn't seem like they were disappointed because she was taken, but...

"the fuck you two staring at?!"

"geez, sir! okay, we get it. let's go, bro."
"aww man. she's so beautiful though..."

mysta sighed.

"what's going on? why are you yelling at these poor boys?" y/n asked, returning to mysta with a box and a few plastics, all with the same donut brand.

"wife!" mysta called happily.

"n-nothing, ma'am! we'll get going... come on!"
"wait but—!"
"bro, woman's taken! go go go!"

y/n chuckled. "aww. they're so cute." she said as she and her husband watch them walk away.

"what's so cute about that? he was literally willing to steal someone else's wife!"

"alright, alright, calm down." y/n planted a kiss on his forehead. "how about you have these? they're your favorites."

"aww wife..." mysta mumbled in full appreciation while staring at the donuts y/n bought.

"you didn't buy anything for yourself?"

y/n smiled.

"i'm already full just by seeing you eat."

"whaaaat? but y/n..."

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