episode six

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"mon chaton," y/n called. "can i talk to you about something?"

mysta's whole body flinched from his toes to his head.


y/n chuckled. "you don't have to be so nervous. i'm just going to ask if you could ask for a day off tomorrow?" y/n said. "ah, it's fine if you don't."

"oh." mysta mumbled.

"why? what's up for tomorrow?" he asked. "i-it's not our anniversary, right? i swear it's not." he scurried and opened his phone.

"no, anniversary's still a few months away, dummy." y/n said.

"my parents are visiting tomorrow, so..."

"oh yeah sure i could get a day off. anything for you."

"thank you. but if you really can't—"

"i will, i will! don't worry."

"fufufu okay then."

after breakfast, mysta then came to work. it's been a few weeks since he drank on sheila's birthday and it seems like she's avoiding him.

he didn't mind it, but it was making his other friends uncomfortable.

maybe i should go and talk to her.

the moment mysta was inside his office, he swiftly placed his coat on the stand and opened his computer before he immediately started work.

and just when the lunch bell rang, mysta woke up. hey, he was finished, don't judge him.

mysta stood up and went to the cafeteria with his bento when he immediately saw his old crewmates. he sat between mira and william.

they ate lunch like normal. talked a lot of random stuff, teasing each other, bashing other officemates, and stuff. sheila was the first one to finish her lunch so she was the first one to leave the table.

"sheila, wait." mysta called. "can i talk to you?" he asked while fixing his bento.

his wife's lunch is still delicious as ever.

"h-huh? why?" sheila asked.

did he remember? then why can't i? sheila thought in fear of what mysta had to say about her stupid move.

after mysta fixed his bento, he held sheila's wrist and pulled her from the cafeteria. his friends were cheering for them too, confusing mysta a bit over there.

"here should be fine." mysta said after they got to a secluded place.

"sheila, what's wrong?" mysta didn't beat around the bush. "why are you avoiding me, bro? did something happen? is it because of your party?"

sheila immediately looked up at mysta from the ground.

"w-what happened at the party?"

mysta shrugged. "i can't actually remember a thing, but i do remember you bringing me home." mysta said and smiled. "thank you for that."

sheila's face turned pale. i... i never brought him home... i don't even know his address...

"sheila? what's wrong?" mysta asked and was about to hold sheila's shoulder.

"don't touch me!" sheila exclaimed.

mysta flinched and took his hand back.

"wow... uh, sorry."

the two then met eyes. mysta's were filled with just worry and confusion while sheila's were all scared and angry and...

what's up with her eyes talking to me like i just tried molesting her? mysta asked himself. he was really so confused!

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