episode five

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"there... and... perfect!" y/n chirped and clapped her hands for herself.

husband bento, done! tonkatsu!

"wife! i'm late!!" mysta exclaimed while running down the stairs.

he quickly went to the table and started eating. y/n giggled and placed a napkin on his lap.

"you're not. i set the alarm 10 minutes early and adjusted the clock 10 minutes advanced." y/n said and kissed mysta's cheek. "that's what you get for having your way last night. learn your lesson."

mysta grumbled. "you always get me..."

"i am your wife, after all."

"breakfast is so good as always... come eat with me." mysta said. "or eat me since i still have a few minutes— ow! i was just kidding! unless...— ow ow okay!"

after they both ate, y/n helped mysta in wearing his coat properly, giving him his briefcase before he head off.

"wait, you necktie..." y/n reached for it and fixed it.

"there. you look good as always," she said while patting mysta's chest.

"we both know i look better without these damn clo—"

"off you go, mon chaton! i'll see you later!" y/n kicked him out of the house before closing the door right in his face.

mysta just stood there while y/n huffed a sigh.

"i love you!" mysta said from the outside.

y/n just waved her hands from the window. mysta then threw a flying kiss, so y/n pretended to flick it away with a pure smile on her lips. mysta went to work brokenhearted.

y/n couldn't help but chuckle at her husband's foolishness. they're so opposite, yet they fit each other very well.

this is y/n stroude, the owner of the surname mysta is carrying. a simple housewife of a company slave.

excels at cooking, cleaning, and taking care of kids and her husband, is good at negotiations, shopping, talking things out, basically good at everything, especially at housewife work.

as if she was trained to do so. mysta would even joke that his wife is a robot sometimes.

y/n just seems so perfect at her job, like her husband.

of course, she would seem perfect. that's what she wanted. she doesn't want to fail her husband.

he's working hard for her and their future! she should return the favor!

y/n practiced a lot. did everything with her best.

she's an astounding housewife.

at least she's a wife that won't let any other woman touch his husband after thrice. yes, thrice's the charm.

"my hand hurts. this isn't good." she worriedly mumbled.

"did i slap that woman too hard yesterday night? wait, didn't i use my left hand? which hand did i even use?"

y/n's eyes then landed on the bento she made this morning.

"ah. i forgot to give him his bento. silly me." y/n said to herself with a flower on top of her head.

you ask what the housewife does while her husband's at work?

the housewife washes the dishes!

setting mysta's bento aside, she started washing the dishes. after 5 minutes, boom, good as new!

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