Act IX: Comrades in Arms (Part 4)

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"That's your plan?" Minako expelled breathlessly as she evaded another of Morgan's red spheres. It went on to consume an elevator car and cause the shaft above it to collapse.

"It's our best option," Ami insisted. "We can't dodge her blasts forever and they're going to bring the mall down on top of us if this continues much longer. We have to go on the offense."

Venus winced in pain from the prolonged use of her unstable powers. "It's so risky, though. How sure are you that it will work? I won't be able to help if it doesn't!"

"I'm about seventy percent sure it will work," Ami asserted weakly.

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then I'll go with plan B—"

"Which is even riskier!" Venus snapped before landing on the second-floor promenade and dropping to one knee in pain. She observed the skin on her arms and sighed. It was quickly reddening. "Well, I guess it's now or never. If you're sure?"

"I am," Mercury responded unconvincingly.

"Okay, let's do it!"

The two Sailor Soldiers shot into the air as the spot they were standing in was vaporized by another red sphere, and they Skywalked toward their enemies at speed.

"Here they come, Mistress," Jadeite warned.

From above, Sailor Venus summoned the last of her strength, and commanded, "Crescent Beam Shower!" Multiple yellow blasts erupted from her fingertip and hurtled toward the villainous pair like falling meteors.

"Don't underestimate me!" cried Morgan, erecting a red magical barrier before her and her Lieutenant, as she had done before.

"On the contrary," Mercury muttered to herself as she entered commands into her computer, "We're not underestimating you at all. We've factored your impressive powers into our plan and..." Mercury hit a final button with fervor.

Behind her protective red shield, which was vibrating violently from the incredible force that assaulted it, Morgan began to stammer in disbelief, "M-my barrier... It-it's failing! Jadeite! Jadeite, do something! Aaaagghhh—"

Mercury touched down and caught her falling, now unconscious partner, whose transformation had finally failed. She observed the spot where their enemies had stood, now an inferno of photonic energy. Part of the floor above had collapsed on top of it.

"It worked Minako," she said quietly, then placed the girl gently on the wall of the mall's fountain, which was remarkably unscathed. "The frequency of her barrier's magic was the same as the one outside, after all!"

Just then, there was a loud crunching. Mercury turned, her jaw dropping in shock. Amidst the impact point of Sailor Venus' attack, Jadeite and Morgan had emerged, a ring of rubble surrounding them. Their clothes were tattered, their skin was burned, and they were limping, but they were alive.

"Impossible..." said Mercury in disbelief. "I disabled your barrier!"

"You didn't account for my powers, Sailor Soldier!" Jadeite spat. "Combined with my mistress's magic, they were enough to fend off your comrade's last-ditch attack. Now she's defenseless, and the Silver Crystal is ours for the taking!"

"She's not defenseless!" Mercury asserted. "She has me!"

Jadeite laughed maniacally. "You? You think you can do what the crystal's protector could not?"

"Jadeite," Morgan uttered feebly, then fell to her knees, clinging to her staff for support.

"Don't worry, Mistress. I will take care of this one myself. I owe her!"

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