5| An average day... So far...

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- Chapter Five -
An average day... so far...



And so, the host club is open for business. You know, I'm starting to see the pattern forming here. It's always, "Welcome!" Rose petals. "Welcome!" Rose petals. "Welcome!" Sakura petals. They really need to mix it up a bit. I'm really starting to get pissed of with this too.

I sigh at my thoughts, 'this isn't working.' Haruhi has tried to get me to be more polite... Yeah, that's not really worked. I pick up the teapot, ready to pour once the girl has made her decision. "Oh, wow! They're beautiful! English antiques aren't they?" She asks, staring wide eyed at the teacups in front of her. I huff in annoyance and carelessly poured the tea into a random cup as Tamaki flirts with her.

I walk away flattening down the dress they made me wear. Not just any dress... A maid outfit. "You seem to look good in that outfit, Chioye, it looks like you knew how to put it on perfectly." Kyouya's voice calls from beside me, his comment making me freeze. 'H-He doesn't know, does he!?' I play it off, turning my head to him. "Thanks." I mumble, walking away towards the twin's table.

"You mean you've never been to Covent Garden?" Kaoru asks in a surprised tone. "No, all of our antiques are from Portobello Road." The customer replies, drawing out the 'no'. "I think you'd like Covent Garden." Hikaru buts in. 'What is this? An advert?' I think with a sweatdrop. I walk to the twin's side of the table with two full cups of tea. "Masters..." I drawl out, strangely getting lots of squeals of excitement from the girls.

Kaoru ignores this and reaches for the cup, knocking it over. "Kaoru!" Hikaru turns to his brother and takes his finger to his lips. They begin to perform the 'brotherly love' act. Taking this as my cue to leave, I head back towards Kyouya. No sooner did I think this, Kyouya appears out of nowhere. "Absolutely right, mademoiselle. All beauty is fleeting, just like these cherry blossoms. You'll never be able to see them this vibrant again." He continues, pulling out picture books of the hosts.

The guests buy them, leaving one spare. "Can I see that?" I ask Kyouya, pointing at the photo book . "Sure." He answers, handing me the book but regarding me with suspicious eyes. I flick through the book, realising they're all hidden camera shots. "You know, I used to enjoy photography when I was younger and was pretty good at it." I hint, handing the book back to him. "How much?" He hisses, narrowing his eyes at me. "¥1000. Per book published." I answer. He smirks knowing that I'd want it off Haruhi's debt. "Deal."

I smirk at him a few seconds before I realised that the tea Kaoru spilled on me has seeped through my dress. "Ouch!Ouch!Ouch!Ouch!Ouch!Ouch!" I yell, flailing my arms round as I run in circles. "Huh?" Kyouya says, amused. "Hot!Hot!Hot!Hot!Hot!Hot!" I continue, running off to get changed. I feel Kyouya's gaze as he smirks at my retreating form.

I speedily get changed, eager to get back to the flower-viewing. I enter the garden, seeing the twins harassing Haruhi. I put my hands on the hips of the dress I was wearing: the Ouran girl's uniform. "What are you doing?" I ask, leaning my body forward slightly. The twins jump, not noticing my presence until now. "U-Uh, we were talking about-" "-the c-classes we're going to take this year." They explain, staring at me wide-eyed. "Oh..." I drawl, straightening myself. "So? Any decisions?" I smirk, amusement clearly shown on my features.

"Yeah." Haruhi supplies for the awestruck twins. "Conversational French." I sigh, looking to the side. "Boring. How do you expect me to stay in your classes if you don't pick something remotely difficult!?" I huff in annoyance. "Oh yeah?" "It's not like you can speak French fluently!" The twins chime, recovered from their shock. "Selon qui? Je vais devoir vous savez que je peux parler Français parfaitement. Tamaki peut en témoigner. En parlant de Tamaki, je vais voir ce qu'il est jusqu'à. A la prochaine." I say, turning and going off to find Tamaki. "What did-" "-she say?"

Twisted Love (A Kyouya Ootori Love Story) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now