Chapter Ten

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I looked over at my twins. Jayden and Sarah may be twins but they are complete opposites. Sarah had Black hair like mine was and it was slightly wavy. Her eyes were brown and she loved reading. (Right now the only book she can read is Goodnight Moon.) Sarah is like me when it comes to food. She'll eat but doesn't like eating much.

Jayden had blonde hair like Niall's used to be and Blue eyes like Niall. Jayden is convinced that he won't like reading because his daddy doesn't. Jayden eats like Niall too.

James crawled over to Hannah and she smiled brightly at him. Hannah Adores her little brother. She loves helping Sadie or Liam take care of him.

Hannah is a beautiful little girl. She has brown hair that tumbles softly to her shoulder and sky blue eyes. When she smiles, like she is right now, A huge dimple appears on her left cheek.

James has light blonde hair and brown eyes. He looks alot like Sadie while as Hannah is like a Liam mini me. Very serious at most times... Unless she's hyper. Sadie and I find it hilarious that she has somehow inherited Liam's spoon phobia which we learned is real and is called koutaliaphobia. I gasped then began cracking up because Liam didn't even know they're was a technical term for his fear of spoons. His face was priceless as he stood there reading the little article I found.

"Daddy?" Jayden asked.

"Yes Jay?" 

"I'm hungry." 

Jayden's statement was followed by three 'Me too!'s and Niall grinned then sheepishly said "So am I." 

I errupted into laughter and kissed his head.

"So is the pregnant woman. Pizza sound good?"

"Pregnant?" Sarah asked me. "What does that mean?"

I smiled at her then crouched to her level. "Pregnant means I'm going to have a baby. So is Auntie Sadie."

Jayden looked at me blankly. 'Uh-Oh.' I thought to myself. 'Just because Sarah is very excited Jayden may not be.'

"So there's going to be a new baby?" He asked.

I nodded. He looked at me then smiled brightly. "Awesome!" 

I sighed in relief. 

"So mama we're gonna eat pizza?" He asked with his adorable grin he inherited from Niall. We all started laughing and I walked into the kitchen to order the pizza.

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