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I'm bored can someone give me a stone? ~Steve

I am no longer angry. Please forgive me and let me finish my part about my GLORIOUS life. ~Flutter

This troll is like, so totes hot! ~Brooke

Trolls. Never been my thing. ~Brian

I have to admit, this troll is eyecandy. ~Silk

Trolls aren't what you think they are. That's all I'm going to say.

   Greetings. The name which I am known as is Einstein. My fellow species and I all have the same brain and we all think of the same thoughts. This means that our brain's neuro transimitters all have the same connections. Now, because of this, the rest of my kind all are named Einstein, and right now are writing the same story with me. We all know the author of this book as a friend. Now, that means we cannot fight, because we all say the same comebacks and do the same moves and think the same thoughts. For instance, if I were to think, I'm going to go and eat down by the lake! The rest of my species would think that same thing and all head to the lake. Now, here is the annoying part. We would all head to the same spot. Then when we would reach this spot we would begin pushing each other. But the people still walking would begin pushing in thin air and fall over. Then, because of one of them falling over, we would all fall over too. That is why food appears in our mouths when we ask the great brain for it. Now, who is this brain, you ask? it is the thing that connects us all, that makes us have the same thoughts. But then, when it comes to 'gender season', it changes. My brain, that sounds awful! Gender season is where half of us become girls, and half boys. The brain sorts that randomly. Now, the girls have their own minds for one year while they are raising troll children (Which appear on the gender day) The boys, meanwhile, still share a mind. Now, let me guess, you are asking, where we live? well I'm not sure. We teleport, I guess that's what I should say. Now, let me tell you another thing. We are not great lumbering ugly beasts. We are, well, what you people would say are 'hot'. We honestly look like 'hot' humans, except we are microscopic. Now, I know you're internet trolls. They are not a stereotype. Once every month, we are given a computer and, well, troll the internet. Now, time to begin on my diary of my life. I don't do much, but it is required to write.

No, you've written enough! D=

If you insist. Goodbye.

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