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  Chapter 20

A w a k e

Claire woke up. She gasped for air. She quickly realized that she was in a velvet lined box. A coffin. She pushed the lid up. Luckily it wasn't latched. Her legs felt weak, but she found the strength to climb out. She was in the open trunk of her car. It was parked in the middle of a road in the middle of a forest. As she walked to the front of the car, she saw Ally, Julia, and Charles on the ground, unconscious.

She had so many questions, but when she saw that Ally was starting to wake up, she quickly hid behind a nearby bush. She didn't want Ally to see her. Claire knew everyone thought she was dead; she just didn't want them to know she was alive.

She didn't want them to worry more than they probably already had. Then, from the bushes, she saw Matthew on the ground with them. She felt hot flames flickering up her shirt. The next thing she knew, the entire forest was completely immersed in flames. She jumped out from the bushes and behind the car. When she looked over to her friends, she saw that Ally and Matthew were fighting, dodging each other's punches.

She couldn't just stare anymore. She went up behind Matthew. Just as he was pouncing on Ally, Claire grabbed his legs in mid air. She pulled his legs with all of her force and he fell to the ground with a loud smack. She stood there, staring at Ally for a moment. Her knees gave in. She started sobbing, thinking everyone would hate her for not being there.

Instead, she felt comforting arms around her shoulders. She looked up, her tear stained face filled with confusion. She looked around to see Charles and Ally hugging her tight. Then, she saw Julia on the ground.

"Julia!" Claire cried out. She crawled over to her and tugged her shoulder. "Julia, wake up!" She yelled. Suddenly, blood began to run down her arms and legs. Small streaks coming from all over. "Julia?" Charles questioned timidly. "JULIA!" 

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