Going Home

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   Chapter 16

G o i n g h o m e

When they pulled up, Charles was waiting by the door for them. He saw their tear stained faces and decided not to say anything. Julia ran up to him and hugged him, bawling her eyes out. He just put a comforting arm around her as Ally came up to join the hug.

"I didn't know where to put her, so I just you know- shoved- I mean gently placed her in the freezer. I hope that's ok." Charles stuttered. They all went back to the car to get the coffin. They got to the freezer and took the body out and placed it in the velvet lined casket.

As Julia and Ally were getting in the car for the ride home, Charles shouted, "wait!! Wait..." Julia stopped with her door wide open behind her. "Do you think I could come with you? I hate this place and everyone here. I can go in the backseat. I don't care. I just want to get away from my uncle and his creepy ass Hotel. Please let me come with you."

Julia was quick to respond, "yes!!!!" But Ally just answered grumpily with a "fine." 

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