The Interrogation

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Chapter 6

T h e i n t e r r o g a t i o n

Ally started driving as Charles was in the back, Clueless of where they were going.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" Charles asked.

"You will see." Ally said angrily as she sped up reaching the speed limit.

They turned into a random parking lot. They had stopped at some Mini market. Ally put the car into park and took out the keys. Then she got out of the car. Charles did the same, scared of what was going to happen. They walked and Ally had Charles in front but was directly behind. They walked until they reached the top of a hill where no one could hear them nor see them. They were walking for what felt like forever to Charles then.

"So are you going to tell me what happened? We both remember the night before. What happened this time?" Ally said as they sat down on the grass.

"We were swimming and we saw deer skin. It was spread all around and it made us sick. I think it's from what we saw last night.." Charles mumbled. " I don't know anything else."

"Ugh." Ally sighed. "You're no help. Let's go back." She said as she got up to walk back to the car.

Charles quickly ran after her because he didn't want to be left behind. "We walked all the way up here for nothing?" he asked.

"No.'' she replied as she stopped in front of a tree that had seemed to be destroyed.

She had stopped talking and just started to stare at the tree. Charles was behind her as she was staring at the tree. They stood there for 10 seconds then Ally turned around.

"I know you're hiding something that you won't tell u-." She started to say.

"Can we go? The sun is setting and I would like to go back." Charles intruppedly said.

"What are you hiding?!" She yelled as she grabbed his short blonde hair. Ally pulled his hair as hard as she could until he screamed in pain. 

"Nothing I swear!" he cried. Ally simply turned around swiftly and walked down the hill. Charles could hear her muttering something under her breath but didn't know what it was. And so they went back to the hospital, met up with Claire, and acted as if nothing happened.

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