Maple Hospital

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    Chapter five

M a p l e H o s p i t a l

As Ally quickly whipped out her phone and called 911 while Charles tried to help Julia in any way he could, Claire stood there, dumbfounded. She was usually the one to calm everyone down in bad situations. But she found herself unable to speak, unable to think, unable to feel. She just simply did not know what to feel. She just wished someone would come down and tell her what to do.

Then she heard the sirens that came from the ambulances. She would never forget those sounds. They rushed to the back of the ambulance so they could sit with Julia and look after her. When they got to the hospital they weren't allowed to go into the room.

As they were all waiting outside the room, Ally tried to call Julia's brother frantically, but to no avail. This was strange, since he had always answered their calls before.

Claire started to panic. Charles saw her because he was also sitting there, worried. "How long have you guys been friends?" Charles asked Claire suddenly.

Claire jumped a little because she was daydreaming, lost in her own thoughts. " Since we were toddlers. Our moms were in a group when they were pregnant." All of a sudden they heard a phone fall on the floor. It was Ally's. Ally had spaced out staring into the other room.

And so they sat there, not being able to register what just happened. Just then the doctor came into the waiting room.

"Are you guy's Julia's friends?" The doctor asked.

"Yes Ma'am." Ally said, stopping her thoughts.

Claire jumped from her seat. "Is she alright!?!?!" She shouted.

"Oh. It's very rare to have a seizure at this young of an age." The doctor calmly said as Claire was panicking. "We think it was some sort of poisoning. Did she ever take any umm... drugs?" The doctor asked.

"No, I don't think she did." Claire said. "She's always been good. Like perfect good. I mean we're taking like straight A's, very kind, everyone's favorite. She would never do drugs." Claire thought it just sounded wrong to talk about Julia possibly doing drugs.

Ally walked up to Charles. "When you and Julia came back from the beach, you guys had disgusted faces. What happened!? What were you guys doing!? Huh?" Ally yelled as she started to get angry.

"We were. Uhh. We were swimming." Charles stuttered.

"Then why did you have disgusted faces?" Ally murmured.

"I- Uhhh. I-I-I." Charles muttered.

"Claire, stay here I need to talk to Charles. Alone." Ally said as she grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of Maple Hospital and into the car.

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