The Hospital

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   Chapter 12

T h e h o s p i t a l

Ally went to pick Julia up alone. She didn't think Charles would want to come anyway. In the car she looked around the streets and stores. How could a town that had put them through so much hell be so peaceful?


When Ally and Julia saw each other, they hugged for so long. They cried and laughed and just held each other. But then Julia seemed confused "Why didn't Claire come?" Ally fell silent. She started to cry again. "What's wrong? What happened to Claire?" Julia was very worried, but she couldn't think for ten seconds when she heard Charles screaming "LOOK OUT!"

They saw a black creature smash through the tall window of the waiting room. It was about 15 feet tall with sharp teeth dripping with blood. This thing had no eyes. It was the monster from the first night.

The next thing they knew, Charles pushed them both out of the way to the right corner of the room. No one had to say anything. They just knew that they needed to run.

They raced through the suddenly eerie hallways of the hospital. No one was there anymore. But they hadn't cared to stop and look. The only thing on their minds was escape. They searched for an exit for what seemed like an eternity. When they finally found the emergency exit, they pushed open the door with all their might.

But the door didn't budge. To their horror, they found that their only way out was jammed. They turned around only to see Claire. 

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