The Night

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Chapter 3

T h e N i g h t

As Claire and Julia drifted off to sleep on their stiff mattresses, the noises of the waves covered Claire's snoring. Ally couldn't sleep due to the state of the room. It felt as if the floor beneath her was going to give way at any second. In the middle of the night she heard what sounded like a gunshot, then animal skin being torn, and an animal screech that sounded strangely human. She was terrified.

She tried to tell Claire and Julia what she heard, but when she tried to wake them up, Claire rolled over and her eyes were open and had rolled to the back of her head. She jumped out of bed, grabbed her sweatshirt, slipped her shoes on and ran as fast as she could down the stairs to the lobby. Charles looked at her with wide eyes.

"Did you hear it?" He asked fearfully. "Y-yes idiot of c-course I h-heard it!" It was freezing cold and they were both shivering. "I tried to wake th-them up, but her eyes- they w-were blank like- like she was p-possessed." She explained with confusion and dismay in her eyes. Charles looked confused. " Woah slow down. Who?" As she explained they heard another gunshot. Another scream. This time, it was definitely a human.

As they walked out into the night, they were both shaking with dismay. When they went around the hotel to the back, they saw a huge, dark shadowy creature hunched over an animal.

They raced back to the front of the hotel horrified, not daring to look back at the terrifying creature behind them. When they got back to the lobby they were panting with beads of sweat rolling down their face. "It was just a trick of our eyes, right? There wasn't anything there. We just heard some animal or a prankster! It was nothing!" Charles was trying to comfort himself more than he was Ally. "I'd better get to bed." Of course Ally was afraid of what she would come to in her room but she just tried to tell herself to walk up there and go to sleep.

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