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Chapter 19

A l l y

Ally opened her eyes and saw Julia and Charles on the road. She sat up and looked at the mess around her. There was a circle of fire surrounding them. There were weapons on the ground and then there was the fact that Matthew was gone.

"Julia." she whispered. She crawled over to her unconscious body and tugged on her shoulder. She turned around and did the same for Charles. Then he gasped and sat up.

"JULIA!" he yelled. Ally jumped back and screamed. "Julia? What's wrong with Julia?" Ally asked.

"I don't know, she screamed my name and I heard glass shatter." They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes until they heard a sigh followed by an evil laugh. They both looked in the direction of the laugh and saw Matthew walking slowly toward them. Ally stood up and backed away, while Charles continued to sit there.

"Worried about your girlfriend, Charles?" Matthew asked. Charles stood up and backed away with Ally. "Did you hurt her?" He asked Matthew. He laughed again, but this time it was longer and louder. "Uncle, did you hurt her?" Charles asked again but this time more stern.

"Yes." Charles felt his heart drop as he heard this. He quickly glanced at a weapon on the ground. "Why are you doing this?" Ally asked. "What are you getting out of it?" Matthew walked closer to them. "Oh sweetheart, I'm getting nothing but the thrill of watching you run and scream. Oh wait. There's also something I want from you."

"What?" she asked. "What do you want from me?"

"Vengeance." Matthew stated blandly as a smile spread across his crooked face.

Ally and Charles both stood there, confused. "Do you ever wonder what really happened to your parents, Ally? Do you ever wonder why they left you?" Matthew said as he strode towards them slowly, looking unbothered.

"W- I- How-" Ally stuttered. She had so many questions but the first one she asked was. "How do you know?!" She said in an angry tone trying to hold tears.

Matthew stood there knowingly. He knew she was going to try and strike first. Charles knew based on the smirk Matthew had on his face. He knew what he was planning.

"ANSWER ME!" Ally screamed. Just then Ally created a fist with her hand behind her back.

"Ally, don't." Charles whispered.

"Calm down!" Matthew chuckled. "Your parents owe me. I made a deal with them." He laughed.

"What deal?" Ally muttered. Ally had so many thoughts.

The voices rang in her head again. What does he know about you? What did your parents do? They're even hurting you after death. They must have really hated you.

"No one ever told you the deal?" Matthew asked.

Ally shook her head with fear and anger in her eyes. It was clear Charles knew what was going to happen. Ally looked over to Charles then looked back and Matthew. Matthew was walking up to her. She kept backing up, trying to not let Matthew get a hold of her. As she was backing up she realized Charles was gone. "Where had he gone?" She thought.

Matthew lunged towards her. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the hit, but when she opened her eyes, Matthew was on the ground. She could see the blood and scars on his back. Behind his body was none other than Claire.

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