Forest Flames

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  Chapter 16

F o r e s t F l a m e s

The car ride back was completely silent for about fifteen minutes. Then they went into a forest they didn't recognize. Going deeper, they started to see sparks. The forest was completely on fire! "Is it just me or is the forest burning?" Julia said, beginning to sound worried. "We're not gonna be able to make it." Charles whined. "Oh stop being such a baby. We will." Ally said as she sped up. "Ummm Ally? What are you doing- WATCH OUT!!!" Julia said as the car abruptly stopped. A huge tree fell in front of the car. It was as if the forest didn't want them to leave.

In front of the car, there were many flames and falling trees, but the other side seemed much calmer. No fallen trees, barely any flames, and green grass that had previously been burning. It was clear. Whatever this was, it didn't want them to leave. But Ally kept on driving. But the flames never stopped. It seemed as if it was never ending. But then they saw a figure. The monster. It was bigger than ever.

Ally stopped the car. "Stay here." She said blandly to Charles and Julia. She got out and went to the trunk. "No. Not today." She mumbled as she opened the trunk with flames surrounding her. She wasn't scared, like others might have been. Instead, she was angry. She was angry that she couldn't leave. She was angry that her vacation was ruined. But most of all, she was angry for her friends. The voices in her head turned into her weapon.

How dare this thing ruin your perfect summer. How dare this monster confront you. But most of all, how dare this horrible wretched thing hurt your friends. No one gets away with hurting anyone on your watch. How. Dare. It.

The voice rang in her head as she picked up the sword that Claire had used before. She wanted vengeance. She wanted to kill it. Angry tears stung her face hotter than the flames that encircled her and the monster. The sword felt heavy in her hands. It made her feel even more empowered. Her clothes were singed and torn, but she didn't care one bit. Determination and rage filled her eyes.

As she approached the monster, the voice changed. You know what? No. Just let go. Surrender. You're not strong enough for this. She kept going regardless of what the voice said. You're just a weak little girl. This is a huge monster that can eat you in a second. Don't make this more messy than it has to be. The voice rang in her head. "If I'm going to die, I'm going to be proud of it." She argued back.

The monster stared at her. It lunged. She dodged and stabbed it from the side. It shrieked an ear-splitting scream. It scratched her, making a long and deep cut all down her leg. Then Julia's voice rang out. "HEY! OVER HERE IDIOT!" The monster was distracted by this. As its back was turned to her, she took it as her chance to lunge at it. She raised her sword up high and stabbed it straight in the middle of the back. The monster shrunk and revealed who it really was.

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