huening kai - ex, jealously, and drama

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Walking along the open basketball court, you and your friend group talked about how amazing kai was at the sport while you were sipping on your drink which was apple juice from the school store.

"Hey, you should totally hit on him." One of your friend, Mina, said while nudging your side, pointing her head towards him.

You looked over and seen him shooting the ball into the hoop when suddenly your eyes met and instantly you looked away to stare at something else.

You had to admit, you've been crushing on him for awhile but never had the urge to confess to him. besides, He just got out of an relationship three months ago due to his ex boyfriend cheating on him so you weren't quite sure if he was ready or not for a new one.

"Oh fuck, he just looked at you!" Your other friend, Chase, squealed only for you to shush him up, not wanting to cause some attention.

"Jeez' calm down, it's not that serious." You scolded, biting the inside of your cheek while staring at him.

Jackson, your other friend, held his boyfriend and covered his mouth. "Idiot, stop it or he'll hear you." He scolded before planting a kiss onto his forehead, which chase immediately smiled at.

You sighed.

It sucks being single, but again, I'd also like being alone.. but not lonely.

You were getting so engrossed into your own thoughts that you didn't notice the basketball flying towards you and hit your hand that was carrying your bottle, spilling the juice all over your top shirt.

"What— what the fuck?!" You muttered, looking down at the awful scene.

Chase covered his mouth, trying not to laugh at you. The others just laughed shamelessly when they saw the juice spilled all over you.

"Fuck you all." You mumbled, thinking what to do with now your soaked fucking shirt.

...should I just leave it alone?

Your eyes landed on the basketball that was on the ground and that's when you noticed kai approaching you. He had something in his right hand as he handed it to you.

"Hey— I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too. Let me help you." He apologized and before you could respond, he grabbed your left hand and guide you to the boys changing room.

You couldn't help but just remain silent and followed him like a lost puppy.

Meanwhile, your friend group just stared at you both in disbelief. "Did that just happened?" Jackson spoked, "Yes." The rest added.

"You can change in here." He instructed while giving you a warm smile that melted your heart.

After his disappearance, you took off your shirt and exchanged with his red hoodie he had given you. The instant fragrance of lavender filled your lungs, making your lips tug a smile.

Just when you were about to shout Kai's name, someone else had entered the room, someone you least wanted to see. His ex, Jiwon.

"Kai bear, I got your favorite snacks you'd always want—" He stopped midway when his eyes landed on you. He knit his eyebrows together as he made his way towards you.

Uh oh.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the boys changing room? Are you allowed to be in here? I don't remember seeing you being in the team." He spoked, throwing all these random words into your face.

You awkwardly coughed. "Who are you?" You lied, hoping to dodge the questions.

Tilting his head, he checked you out while his eyes were fixed onto the hoodie that you were wearing. "This seems so familiar. Is this yours?" He held onto the collar of the hoodie, pulling you closer which almost choked you.

He brought his nose closer to the fabric, sniffing at it when suddenly his eyes widened at the familiar scent of lavender. A tiny gasp escaped from his mouth when he released you from his slightly tight uncomfortable hold.

"This is huening kai." He pointed out, staring at you in disbelief.

"And?" You responded, clearly not seeing what's the problem here.

"You fucking bitch. How dare you steal his hoodie!" He pushed you which made you kinda stumble backwards.

He was mad, too mad for someone who has ended the relationship with their ex three months ago due to getting caught, now look at him.

"You have no rights to wear something that's mines. What are you? Fucking thief?" He scolded, sounding pissed.

Is he serious right now?

"I don't remember hearing about this hoodie belonging to you. And for your information, I'd didn't steal it, he gave it to me." You carefully explained while giving him the straight expression, clearly done with his bullshit.

Jiwon's blood began to boil. He didn't like people talking to him like this. To him, Kai was still his and he kept on living in that delusional world even though he was the one who broke up with him due to obvious reasons.

Meanwhile, you continue staring at him waiting for a response when someone suddenly entered the changing room, revealing nobody but kai.

"Jiwon? What the hell are you doing here? Coach said you're not allowed to be here anymore." He fired, walking towards us.

"Why the hell is he wearing your hoodie?" Jiwon asked, ignoring his word as he continued glaring at me hard as if that's supposed to heart my feelings.

Kai stepped in front of you, blocking your view.

"Because he's my boyfriend. Now, get the fuck out of here and leave us the fuck alone. If you want, go cry about it." He spat out in his face and dragged you out of the room, leaving you in shock mode.

Well, damn.

Any male readers enjoying this book so far?:,)

Also, how would you handle this situation if you were m/n??:0

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