kim namjoon - sugar daddy

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Namjoon has been m/n sugar daddy for two years now, the two met over a website where you can get yourself a sugar daddy nor a sugar baby.

Namjoon was hella rich, getting millions of dollars each year. He absolutely loved spoiling his baby.

Namjoon was too in love with m/n. he adored the younger ever since he saw him through the website.

m/n really enjoyed the attention namjoon was giving him and perhaps he realized he slowly begin falling for the older over time.
He planned on confessing his feeling but was way too nervous to spill it, in case namjoon really only wanted him for sex.

At the beginning, m/n absolutely had no feeling towards the older, he only wanted him for money, to buy him expensive stuff, pay his college bills along with buying him a car that he earned as a gift.

But over those days they've spent together, m/n slowly got attached.

The morning, m/n woke up and noticed namjoon wasn't in bed, he sighed, sitting up straight and looking at the clothes scattered across the floor from previous activities from last night.

He slowly got out of bed, picking up his black shorts and shirt, heading to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, realizing he has all purple mix with red marks across his neck.

That man never listens a word m/n tells him, he always tells him no hickeys because he was still in college and they don't fade easily.

He whined and got in the shower, while washing his body he felt pair of arms wrap around his waist, quite scaring him.

He immediately turned around and met with namjoon eyes. He glared at the older and roughly hit him in his chest.

"You monster!" He raised his voice

Namjoon was taken back not expecting to be shouted at especially in the morning, usually no one would get away with shouting at him, but namjoon was too whipped for the younger. He couldn't get mad

m/n pointed to his neck. "What the hell is this?! Do you not understand one word I be telling you!?" Namjoon followed his finger and saw all the mess he'd dove on his neck.

He couldn't help but laugh at the younger reaction, making the boy even more angry at him.

"You think this is funny?! Huh!?" he said punching his arm softly

Namjoon grabbed his both wrist and pulled him closer, whispering into his ear.

"I've made your favorite breakfast as an apology, forgive me please?"

m/n bit the inside of his cheek, rolling his eyes at the older words. "you mean the chef made it?" He corrected.

Namjoon looked offended, "huh? No I'd made it this time.. without burning anything"
He mumbled the last part.

m/n raised his eyebrow and turned around from the older and continue washing his body. Namjoon slightly pouted and wrapped his arms around m/n waist.

"Don't be upset with me, forgive me please. I'll buy you anything just tell me" he mumbled. Kissing the younger shoulder.

m/n began thinking, his 19th birthday was soon coming up.. he didn't want anything beside namjoon.

m/n sighed, facing namjoon again, wrapping his arms around the older neck, pulling him closer towards him. "I don't want anything, but you. That's all I want" he said, pecking him on his cheek.

Namjoon couldn't help but blush and smile, it's always easy to make the older blush.

"I'm here baby, try to think of something special. let's travel the world, tell me where you want to go and I will immediately tell my pilot to book us a date!" Namjoon said, giving the younger a warm smile.

m/n smiled and nodded his head, "alright, sounds like a plan. there's two places I want to visit. Switzerland and New York City."

Namjoon nodded at the younger words.

"Got it, New York first then Switzerland."

After awhile passed, m/n came out of the shower while Namjoon followed behind, drying themselves up as the younger put on some gray sweatpants along a simple plain black shirt, while Namjoon put on a black sweatpants and a simple plain gray shirt.


The whole day the two spent the time baking cookies, messing around in the kitchen, playing hide and seek in the huge ass mansion, watching some movies. They both really enjoyed each other company.

They were currently in the big bath together, m/n on namjoon lap, cock-warming him.

m/n was relaxed against the older chest, namjoon leaving kisses on his neck and shoulders.

"You uncomfortable love? You good?" Namjoon asked, making sure his love one doesn't feel any uncomfortable.

"I'm good, don't worry. I'm fine" m/n replied, giving him a warm smile.

Namjoon nodded, taking the younger hand in his, softly kissing his knuckles before moving to his neck.

m/n titled his head slightly, allowing namjoon to kiss more of his neck, he absolutely loved receiving them.

m/n moaned when he felt namjoon moved underneath him, the two promised they wouldn't do anything, m/n was quite not ready for it, and namjoon highly respect his answer.

"m/n I need to tell you something." Namjoon said in a serious tone, already scaring the younger.


"I've been keeping this a secret for long now, I'd just been.. nervous to spill it. m/n I've been catching feelings for you, ever since I'd first met you through the website. please tell me you feel the same way? I love spoiling you, and spending my time with you." Namjoon confessed.

m/n completely stared at him with wide eyes, couldn't believe the words that came out of the older mouth.

until the younger eyes lit up, "you really mean it?.." he said, the younger was screaming inside but tried to act cool in the out side.

Namjoon smiled at his response, caressing his side softly. "Of course I do, I love you very much."

m/n quickly pulled out and turned around, now facing namjoon face to face. He grabbed namjoon face and brought him into a passionate kiss. Namjoon ended up taking control and slip his tongue inside, what he always does.

Few minutes passed, making out in the bath, the two washed up as namjoon force m/n to wear his clothes like he usually does.

The two got in bed and cuddled a bit, before turning on the tv and began watching some scary show.

m/n was finally his and he was no longer just known as his sugar daddy anymore. he did it.

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