kim namjoon - a new chapter

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m/n is just coming back from a long break due to him giving birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy.

Trying to rehearsal while his son is asleep and barely getting any sleep himself was difficult but of course he didn't want to admit it.

He woke up every 4-5 every morning. Feeding his son before getting ready to go work out for at least two hours while jihoon is sleeping with his husband namjoon in the dorms and then would come back in time taking a cold shower before feeding his son again before the rest of the members wakes up.

the routine been going on over and over for the past three weeks. only getting three hours of sleep sometimes accidentally falling asleep  during rehearsal

Before all the members would leave to rehearsal, m/n would make sure jihoon bag is all clear before producing enough milk for the day.

He was exhausted.

namjoon came up from behind softy rubbing his sides. "Sweetheart look at me for a sec"

m/n sighed before turning around facing his husband. you could tell the younger boy was tired, he had bags underneath his eyes like he hasn't slept in five days straight.

namjoon felt completely bad.

"How much did you sleep love?" Namjoon whispered as he didn't want to wake his son who's now taking a nap

" I only had about three hours of sleep." m/n mumbled as he continue producing milk

"you need sleep. you've been practicing while taking care of our son. stay"

"You know I can't. Our manager will get mad if I don't come in today. We have a show to perform next week—"

"Who gives a fuck what our manager says.
I'm the leader and I said you need to rest. if you make a mistake on stage it's okay. It's not the end of the world, let's go home" namjoon spoked as he begin helping m/n with the babies bag along with their clothes and others


Namjoon drove to their house until he took a peak at the small mirror and saw his husband and son sleeping peacefully in the backseat. He smiled before focusing back on the road

Once they arrived, he gentle woke up m/n and told him to go inside as he take care of the bags and baby.

m/n nodded and unlocked the door as he immediately fell asleep right on the couch.

namjoon grabbed their bags and son before walking inside the house not forgetting to lock the door from behind.

He chuckled as he saw m/n snoring softly on the couch, he gentle placed jihoon seat on the floor as he grabbed a blanket covering him up.

After putting jihoon to bed, namjoon carried m/n bride style taking him to their shared bedroom before crawling next to him falling deep asleep.

They both gotten at least four hours of sleep before the baby monitor begin going off waking up both of them.

m/n woke up confused until he realized what was crying, he immediately shoot up from the bed and ran towards his son bedroom, gentle picking up jihoon as he begin rocking him while singing a lullaby.

He walked towards back into their shared bedroom, sitting down in a rocky chair before lifting up his shirt a bit ready to nurse
as jihoon immediately begin sucking away.

After ten minutes of nursing jihoon, he carefully laid him down onto his small bed next to theirs as he set the baby monitor on the lamp stand before giving him a small peck onto his chubby cheeks .

m/n and namjoon decided to watch a horror movie downstairs making sure to listen to the baby monitor at the same time.

The couple cuddle together until m/n accidentally fell asleep during the movie, soon namjoon followed ending up falling asleep as well while the movie still playing.

Namjoon was the first person to wake up due to hearing a baby crying through the baby monitor. He rubbed his eyes before slowly getting up from the couch not wanting to wake up his lover who's still asleep.

He grabbed the monitor as he begin making his way upstairs, straight to their bedroom.

He gentle picks up jihoon as he immediately stops crying seeing his daddy.

"let's go downstairs with mama mmh?"

The whole time m/n was asleep, namjoon was taking care of jihoon. he would feed him, watch babie movies, play with him, talk to him even tho he doesn't understand one bit.

Hours pass and it's 11:25am on a Saturday morning. jihoon was still asleep surprisingly. m/n woke up a lot happier.

Ever since he gave birth to his son, it's his first time getting a whole day sleep without being bothered. he felt better and charged up. He ate his breakfast that his husband made for him, took a nice warm shower.

the couple got ready for rehearsal as m/n woke up jihoon before nursing him then getting him changed.

Namjoon packed the car with their belongings as well with jihoon as they both left the house.

As time went on this was their new routine.
The three got to do stuff together and loved every second of it.

Namjoon appreciated every little thing m/n did. He was beyond proud of how much of an amazing mother he become. He was thankful for his beautiful husband along with his adorable son, jihoon.

He smiled at his thoughts as he begin driving to rehearsal.

There only new son was the new key for a chapter of their lives, and they forever will be grateful.

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